Monday, October 14, 2013

I worked in a factory making something, and we were packaging them into boxes to ship out. My sister and my cousin were with me, and when it was time to leave, I said my goodbyes and left for the apartment where I lived with Cookie. The room was bright compared to the factory, and the walls were white and cozy. Seated on a chair in the dining room was a glum Sistor. I asked her why she was alone and why she wasn't happy, and she told me it was because of something to do with her boyfriend. We talked about it until Cookie came back with our friends from high school. Everyone settled in and Cookie and her boyfriend sat across from each other at another dining table. They were talking to each other and I couldn't help but smile too much that the two were getting along very well; I shot a glance to Sistor to see if she saw this and she did. Ly took a seat beside Cookie and their conversation turned into how Ly sounded when she talked in Vietnamese. She sounded like a child, and gave us a demonstration which confirmed it. Hugene aalso started speaking a few phases to compare her voice, fluency and grammar eith her. I thought she sounded adorable.

I was a hunter in Supernatural, and so were many of my friends. I was given the task of watching a little girl who was possessed by evil and weaken her. Her blond, wavy hair and cute, frilly dress lined with lace didn't fool me to the evil that possessed her. With a rope tied around her arms and torso, we went for a walk, she leading me places. Wherever she went, I looked for things to torture her with. One was by nearly drowning her in a fountain, another was dragging her through mud. I was heartless as I did this - I was guiltless. Often, Cookie would run into us when he could, but he was working on another case. The girl led me to an open restaurant under a mountain, strings of light met us from seats and tables decorated with them. The child began thrashing and clawing furiously when she saw and became nearer to a brunette woman with a bob. I pulled her away and dragged her out of the restaurant before the woman saw us. I had a feeling she was her mother. We ran into Cookie again and I followed him back to headquarters, and into the men's washroom. He warned me where we were, but I didn't care, and neither did our old high school friend, Kiru, who tapped my shoulder and asked me to watch the stall his mom was in. I gave him the girl's leash until she was done. 

Many of our high school friends and I were on the driveway of someone's house. We first did something, then took a seat on the paved ground. I moved around from people to people, finally choosing to sit beside Shortbread who began talking about Supernatural. She started comparing Dean Winchester to the qualities of my other favourite characters.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I was on a trip to a different city with Cookie and his cousins. We piled into the foyer of a well lit hotel, the incandescent glow of the lamps greeted us warmly on this summer afternoon. After checking in, we were led to our room. The walls were washed with baby blue and the grey afternoon sky was visible through its single window. There were four double beds placed side by side, all facing the door, the last covered with a canopy and curtains. I claimed that one and sat at its foot, opening my suitcase. I wanted to change into something comfortable, but I soon realized I had forgotten to pack many pieces of clothing. My bag contained enough socks and underwear for the week but not enough shirts and pants. I decided to slip into a new pair of shorts and buy some in town, but as soon as I slipped them on, I realized I had forgotten to shave my legs.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I had borrowed a massive amount of books and media from the library at university for a class project. When class finished, I checked my belongings for two white clipboards that I brought, finding one mixed into someone's pile of stuff. I wanted it back, so I played dumb and asked around class. Not receiving the results i wanted, I just took my clipboard froom the pile, gathered my things and left the classroom. It was grey outside, like night would soon envelope the city. I tried to rush to the bus terminal, but the two bags in my hands and the backpack of books encumbered me. I desperately threw the two bags in my hand across the street and hurried across. A group of kids gathered the books and were about to leave but I caught them and told them they were mine from the library. They gladly handed them back and I left them in a hurry to the terminal building, claiming my bus was here. They followed me inside and I pretended I needed a locker but I didn't have a lock with me.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I went into an abandoned building where someone used to lived. There was debris everywhere and it was torn down in some places. I went in with Cookie and a few classmates. Then we left because we had class. Cookie and I were in the same class and so was Maka and Black Star from Soul Eater. When recess came by, we went back to the building and I needed to change my clothes, so I told them I went in to change. Cookie's sister came and I dressed up quickly. We all went inside the the abandoned building and wandered around. It was time for class again so when I went inside, Cookie took a seat on a different table then my friends, Maka and Black Star. I noticed their square table was getting filled and I had to choose if I wanted to sit with them soon, or sit with Cookie.

Monday, September 2, 2013

I was with Cookie and we were somewhere with his cousins. I can't remember anything else.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I was with Cookie at Biscotti's house and I needed the toilet. I went downstairs to one and locked the two doors that led to the unfinished basement hall and another to the basement kitchen. While I was doing my business, his family comes in, a bit surprised I was there, but locked out. I told them the door I came in from was unlocked and they were happy to get into their house again. They were two parents, a little boy and his older sister.

Cookie, his cousins and I were on some camping grounds. We walked around with Dragonfruit being annoying and soon found a stage place. Everyone goofed off, but Cookie goofed the most. He sang a song and sounded so good, like a boy band singer. Eventually someone heard it and recorded it that at night, when the talent show happened, they played it back and asked for him to sing. He and Tomato went onstage and sang while dancing or doing actions. I was laughing happily and so were the cousins that he stopped in his tracks and his face fell to a serious expression. He may have took offense to the laughing. He came to us from the stage and his happy smile came back and he ran to his cousins, leaving the crowd and talent show.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I ran head to head with Flash from the DC comic universe. We ran into this old building looking for certain people, but I can't remember what we were doing exactly.

I was with Cookie and his parents in an apartment they owned but I didn't recognize. I sat on a couch beside his stepdad and felt nervous, because I'm nervous with people I don't know. Cookie sat across from me and we talked.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The lads and gents of Achievement Hunter all somehow gathered into Geoff's five-seater car, and I sat beside Ray in the backseat. When he asked, "is everybody ready?" I piped up I needed to use the washroom, and Ryan said he'd forgotten something. The two of us ran into someone's house and we did our business. As soon as I was done, I couldn't find the entrance and wandered until I reached a large room with a baseball diamond on a floor below and seats spreading all across the room in a circle.

There was a black woman who had, over a year or two developed a crush on a black man in a poverty ridden area. Together, they were summoned to be contestants on a television show. On this day she was dressed in a blouse, skirt and leather dress jacket that reached her upper thighs, and she sat across from the man wearing a white "wife-beater" tank top, over sized jeans and a New York Yankees baseball hat with a flat sunshade. He slouched and looked tough, as if he were a gangsta rapper. All contestants were gathered in a hotel's cafeteria, and the two were teamed up for challenge and hours before it was their time to start. The man asked her if he could talk to her privately and she said she needed the bathroom first. In the washroom with room for one person at a time, she fixed her hair and loosened the top of her blouse as an idea to try to seduce him, all the while she told herself she would not fall for him, since he didn't seem to notice her affection. When she opened the door, he was standing outside, waiting until she was finished. "Yer a lovely dancer," he said, and she was smitten. She never spoke of her past, but she use to be a ballet dancer and quit after an ankle injury.

Monday, June 10, 2013

The little bits of the dream I had before a phone call woke me up:

I was with someone else underground in Minecraft and we had built a chest on top of two squares from the ground and one square in between so we could reach it's contents. My brother (I don't have one in real life), who looked like Tom Hiddleson, came and we saw a lost, confused girl. He found some make up and put it on her, and she wasn't confused or lost anymore, and marched away from us.


I had another dream I was escaping from something... everyone was. I ran into a school and hid in the gymnasium with another person, who ran away when he heard suspicious sounds. I left when lava appeared and ran to a janitor's closet with a man who claimed to be a doctor. He ran away as soon as the walls smashed around us. I ran for a new hiding place and fell on a huge block of square gold. Geoff's (from Achievement Hunter) master chief character from Minecraft started floating around me, saying I won the Tower of Pimps. I looked down and noticed the four, gold blocks were balancing on lapis lazuli plates. He held a miniature version in his pixellated, square hands with the same lapis lazuli base.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The dream was a mix of Minecraft and the real world. The lads and gents of Achievement Hunter slept at their office with rooms especially made for when they stayed overnight, and the six of them worked until late in this Saturday evening that they decided to sleep in that room. Each guy had their own bed space with red blankets and white pillows (much like the ones in the game). I had finished getting ready for bed and entered the room to find their six beds, all smushed together to create one long bed, and that there were seven of us (the bed order from the far side of the room was Geoff's, Jack's, Gavin's, Michael's, Ray's, and Ryan's). While I stood at the doorway, deciding where I should sleep, I must've woken up Ray, whose bed was placed right in front of the door. Half asleep, he patted the bed to his right (my left) and mumbled, "here." I hesitated, knowing that was Michael's bed, but he answered, "it's okay," as if he knew why I hesitated and rolled over. I thought about how I could've taken Gavin's bed, or even Ryan's since I was a bit afraid of Michael for his in-game raging, and they were both out with him, but I drifted off quickly after climbing in beside him.

I woken up the next day to an empty room and went straight to the washroom to fix myself up. Above the two, white sinks was an arch of square stones.There was a blond girl, who looked like she just woke up and was doing her hair. After I washed my face, she was gone. I noticed an envelope lodged in a block of stone above the mirror and I pulled it out, finding a note and candy from Ray. The funny thing was it was directed specifically for me, written with a few words on a few pieces of papers that, when put together formed a sentence or two. I wondered if he did something like this for his other friends too.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Being a member of a party planning company, I was surrounded by dwarves from high fantasy stories. The stout and stocky built dwarves that grow to about four feet, and burly with wide shoulders. As the lead planner laid out the plans for a rich client's young son's (six to nine year) birthday party by a tall, three tiered red velvet cake still being iced, he told his second in command how he'd asked the child what he wanted for entertainment, to which the child demanded a large swimming pool and something else I can't recall, but the planner told him it wasn't possible. When night fell, everyone involved in the party plans gathered at a picnic table outdoor. The area was lit up by candles and the dwarves occupied the bench with beer in their hands. Each one of us was going to supervise a station for the child's birthday, and I suggested seven dwarves for seven stations; I was also going to run a station too.

The next day, I arrived at the party early as dawn arose and everyone was gathered in the hallway of my old apartment building with what they needed for each station. I had musical instruments for mine, with my recorder from grade five, to entertain myself in case children didn't want to play in my station, and a green, plastic tambourine, along with a few others. When we arrived at the location, one dwarf didn't like the set up of flat roads and grass and took apart the land as if the place was built with Lego or more accurately, Minecraft blocks. After a while he called us all he was done, and it looked magnificent and defied gravity. There were winding, white cobblestone roads that reached to the sky and was supported by nothing underneath. Every few metres were wide sidewalks for everyone to set up on. I picked a sidewalk, set a picnic blanket on the floor and laid out each instrument. As no children came to play, I fell asleep.

I woke up on a soft layer of grass. Not getting up, I recalled where I was and remembered the party, but I wasn't panicked that I fell asleep. Relaxed, I raised the green tambourine to the sun, its round shape parallel to the sun's glowing sides and laid it down when I heard someone call for me and came. A girl of seventeen with pastel green hair approached with a big smile, and I realized I'd slept for years. She wore a pink dress, accented with black and white, wristbands on her arms and a labelless baseball cap on her head. I asked if I'd fallen asleep and she giggled and nodded and said it was fine. I fiddled with my recorder, playing 'Shepard's Flute' from Lineage II as she said children didn't come to my station because I slept. She told me to follow so I left the instruments and held her hand through the grassy field and other stations. We stopped at the foot of a few steps leading to a platform. There were three thrones on top, and in the middle one sat a young man with the same hair and bright smile as hers. He wore a gold crown atop his head and black clothing with a sheathed sword on his belt. She ran up the stairs to her brother, who rose out of his throne to hug her and warmly welcomed me with one as well. I was close friends with these two, but closer friends with the brother rather than his sister. She soon left us and the king walked with me, watching the children play about at his birthday party.

Friday, June 7, 2013

I was in a foreign country with Cookie and Sherlock from Elementary. We were solving a mystery of some kind, but I'm not sure what it was. I was left to stay in the hotel room with tiled, creme floors and white walls, and beds with fluffy, white comforters, while the two went out in different directions to search for clues. It was raining outside and we were in an old, city built with red and brown bricks.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I wasn't in a physical body, but I was aware of where I was in the Achievement Hunter office for Minecraft. When there are six of the guys, only three remained- there were three empty desks. Ray was there, and probably Geoff. By logic, Ryan would be the last member, because his desk located in a different room.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I was staying overnight at Anime North and in the same hotel room was Shortbread and a friend from our anime club. He was talking about something whivh Shortbread was a fan of, so I paid little attention to them. Somehow, I got note of something important. Maybe it was from my Facebook, but I can't recall. According to whatever I read, my cousin, the one I use to go to school with and do everything with and was the same age as me, died recently. I was heartbroken. She was pretty, smart, and fun-loving, and had been in a beauty pageant, and all her wonderful qualities were suddenly gone with her death. As I read on, she died in a plane crash serving an authority for a charity organization, something like the peacekeepers. I bawled to Shortbread and woke up with the same broken pit in my heart.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cookie and I were in a classroom held in a floor above a mall. It was the last day of classes so we were having a tamed party. We sat facing each other, on a small square table, with two other students on either side of us; one male and one female. We were eating a glamourous meal of rotisserie chicken and vegetables. Cookie had an idea to go to the dollar store and buy some drinks on the floor below us, so I came along with him. I asked if he was worried about leaving our things with our classmates and he said not to worry because our table mates would look after them.

The floor below looked like the street of the business area of a small town. We arrived at the dollar store, and once we went in, it looked like a thrift store within. We browsed through the merchandise, being loud and having fun, and soon we caught the attention of  a serious employee. When she was near to us, we removed our sweaters - his black, shiny Roca Wear sweater with white trimming and a zipper, and my compact, brown, cropped hoodie - and stuffed them into a shelf of clothes by the glass door entrance. We grabbed two large books, sat down and pretended to read them, covering our faces. When she'd passed, we rushed for the cashier, and bottles and stacks of twenty-four cans of Pepsi suddenly appearing in our hands. The total came to a shocking fourteen dollars, and we asked why. The stacks came to twelve each. We opted to buy a stack of twelve and the bottles instead (I'm aware the math isn't right). We came back to the classroom and remembered we forgot our sweaters in the store. After dropping off the drinks, we returned to find the dollar store a thrift shop during closing time, as the sky was becoming a dark blue and the street lamps were all lit. A Korean girl with long, straight hair opened it for us and let us look for our sweaters, which were now gone from the shelves and possibly bought. Cookie was angry and I was sad to lose our sweaters, but now that they were gone, we couldn't do anything. The shop was run by many Korean women in their twenties, and because it was dark outside, they let us stay the night. Along the bookshelves were mattresses lined up to form one big bed. We all crawled in, the feeling of putting Cookie in a bad mood and losing my sweater weighed heavily in my heart. I curled up beside Cookie, facing away from him, and slowly drifted away to the dream world. Sometime when everyone was asleep, I noticed an arm around my waist; it was Cookie's. It was like an act of forgiveness.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

With a group of strangers, I walked cautiously through a grass field where there were stone angel statues dispersed widely about. Something was wrong, we knew, and we felt the creepy atmosphere with the grey sky and light fog. I turned away for a moment and realized they weren't stones at all, but the weeping angels in Doctor Who. Warning everyone not to lose them from sight, we wandered in one direction until we reached an old building, which we entered and hoped we'd be safe. The Doctor was inside already, alone without a companion, and he knew who I was. He guided us somewhere safe from the angels, who've also entered the building. It wasn't easy finding safety either, as there were also angels inside the old, decaying building.

I can't clarify which Doctor he was because I didn't look at his face, but from the navy suit, he was most likely the tenth doctor.

Friday, May 24, 2013

I can't remember my dream well anymore because I lacked the time to record it this morning, but here's the gist of what my memory can recall.

Shortbread, Cookie and I entered shop which sold art supplies. It was a dim day, or the hours were getting late as we entered. Inside resembled a small art gallery, with white walls and honey hardwood flooring, but it was also a store. I admired some paper sold in a stack when Cookie approached and spoke to me about something that I can't remember. We entered a bedroom together, at the back of the building. It looked old with white walls, which had pictures posted around the room and arranged in a polkadot pattern along the walls and floor. There were three different portraits: one was of a girl with pigtails, the next was a boy with a blue shirt, and the last was of a person with richly pigmented red skin that it was unnatural and looked almost demonic. The room creeped us out that we left the building quickly, knowing it was a terrible place to be in.

And we were right. The next I remember of the dream was the three of us running for our lives, running away from three pursuers, one of which I was certain was a witch. She was neither extremely ugly nor beautiful, but looked much like a normal woman in her early thirties. Somehow I was separated from my friends who were caught, but the witch kept in pursuit of me. I ran through a gap resembling a mouse hole in a wall of extremely tall bush hedge, and ran across the tops of lawn tables with sun umbrellas opened and barely skimming the top of my head. I was almost within her grasp when I awoke.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

All I remember was I was hiding out in Tony Dinozzo's apartment (of the television show NCIS) after I told him I murdered someone. He told me to lay low behind his white walls while he tried to find out what happened and run the information by Gibbs.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I was at a strange school with people I didn't know. There were about six guys who invited me to join their fraternity; I accepted. There was a shota, and a serious, young man with dark hair, a red-head who wasn't as pretty as the rest of his brothers, and a blond. We met in the main hall with tall ceilings and filled with sunlight.  When everyone started to leave, the dark-haired one took my hand and led me away from the locker room we exited to confess he liked me, and I liked him back, but I had a boyfriend. I don't remember what happened after that.

We all had a class together and everyone's seats were separated. Our class was outdoors with pillars marking four corners, and was located beside a beach with a lighthouse. I had my tablet and was playing the first Super Mario Brothers game from Nintendo. Someone beside me was playing a Kirby game, unaware of its volume, and the teacher noticed. There was an intoxicated popular girl from a sorority who left our class, and went to the beach to swim. She left missing along with her boyfriend, the blond from the fraternity. The guy who liked me told us they might've gone to the lighthouse, so the teacher went after them angrily.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Everyone in Middle Earth gathered to watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy when night began to fall. There were many that I didn't recognize, of dwarves, hobbits, elves and humans, and they were seated on a grassy hill in rings, like in a sports stadium. I walked around looking for quests to do, as if I were in the Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG. I found Legolas with Gimli seated before him, so I zigzagged towards them, and asked Legolas if he knew of any quests. Materializing in front of him were plain, shining, gold rings, a little larger and thicker than wedding bands. He began breaking them in half so they lost their glow and became ghostly blue ones. After he'd done that, there were no other quest for me to do. I also spoke to an elegant elven maiden who told me Aragorn didn't attend the movie screenings, and I wondered what he was up to as a king.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Not sure where to start. I lived in the basement of my house and I was working on something at midnight. Shortbread was on my computer and she showed me a site to watch streaming movies. I had something to do in the kitchen, maybe make something, so I climbed the stairs to get there. The kitchen was different from my kitchen in real life. It was bigger, and the sink was built into the island counter. As I was washing dishes, my mom and dad came into the room. There were two knives I soaped up and I placed one on the counter, so I could rinse off the other. My dad stacked a plate on top of that knife so when I reached for it, I cut myself grabbing the blade bit, because I'd forgotten the blade part was facing me. My mom produced a tub of lychee and jackfruit in syrup from an overhead cupboard, and told me to submerge my cut in it so it'd heal faster. After bandaging it, I realized it was four in the morning, so I foolishly rushed to wash the rest of the dishes before heading downstairs to my room to get some sleep. I grabbed four rice cracker sticks (one of which I wanted to eat as a snack before bed) to pack in my purse for school, and headed down the stairs. Downstairs, Cookie's cousin, Apple, paced around on our laminate flooring, waiting for him. I offered him three cracker sticks, one for him and the other two for his siblings, but I realized I should give the fourth one too, and since I didn't open my snack yet, I gave it to him too. Cookie came and the two of them were off to go somewhere. When I finally entered my room, this is where the first dream cuts.

The second dream was in an animated world. I entered high school and saw a bunch of girls gathered in the corner of some display cases. There were several on the wall, some were in floor cases parallel to them. I ignored the girls and noticed a pretty boy who I knew. It was Wally West from Young Justice. I knew he was pretty, but I didn't realize he was that pretty. He seemed down, so I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his stomach while his hands caught my butt so I wouldn't fall. I cupped his face with my hands, squishing his cheeks. I noticed he had red stubble all over his jaw and chin. "You grew facial hair," I said. "Suits you. Looks cute." He happily replied, "You think so?" In my head, although, for a long time, I thought his best friend, Dick Grayson, was cute, I thought I might just like Wally more. This dream ended when we kissed and my hand knocked over a stack of violet cards on top of one of the floor cases, advertising something, most likely an event.

The third dream had Cookie's university female friends participating in some kind of beauty pageant. Even though I traveled with them, I barely spoke with any of them; I was being ignored and not purposely. I followed them upstairs to the first room for a physical examination test, and once everyone was gone, I climbed down and forlornly waited on a table set by a potted tree. The place looked similar to the Living Arts Centre. A friend of ours approached me, and she wasn't participating in the events. She was a wise friend, and I think she was Bunny, my friend from university. Together, we went upstairs to check if the girls finished, but they were already gone. We climbed higher and found they've entered the next room, so we went back to the middle floor and sat inside a children's play house, one built for a sandbox. We talked about the girls,  and how I was feeling left out. Bunny asked if I wanted to see how they were doing in the competition, and when I agreed, we called a number on our cell phones and dialed someone's contestant number when prompted. I ended up with info for someone named Brianna when I was searching for Peach. Bunny dialed someone's number correctly, and I cant remember if they were doing well. This is where the third dream ends.

In the last dream, I was at work with the grandparents of the owner of the restaurant. Suddenly, a crowd appeared and it was Peach and the other contestants from the beauty pageant. Grams told me to go to the back and get something from Gramps, so I rushed into the back kitchen and Gramps made me wait for it... whatever it was. With urgency, I looked behind and at the crowd. Our goal is to serve everyone, and not lose any customers that walk out who were waiting. I learned Peach and the others learned I was worked here so they visited me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I can't remember the majority of my dream, but what I do remember was being with a group of people that I may not know. We were playing a game, and I drew out a shirt tag whose designer's name was "JASON TODD" printed in navy blue capitals and pressed and dyed onto the canvas tag. I laughed and showed it to the group, whom one of them understood my amusement to the name. I was happy to see a reference to Red Hood of Batman's family.

I was with Cookie at what appeared to be a theatre or a baseball stadium lined with many folding seats in rows and groups of columns. We were going to watch something and I saw Shortbread and Wafer in seats a few distances away. I told Cookie I'll be back, and I went to see my friends. They were with the anime club members, just waiting for them, but as we talked, the show started playing. It was an anime, but someone had edited many of them so they'd all fit together as a goof crossover (for example, there were groups of pokemon in the same frame as characters from a different series). I thought this was awesome, and I wanted to share this with Cookie, but I realized I'd forgotten about him. I rushed back and he was slightly annoyed, but he kept his focus on the screen as I sat beside him. A few minutes later, I began wandering the rows and exploring the stadium by climbing stairs to higher levels and looking down.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I dreamt my grandma made a feast of my country's food, then climbed the tallest tower in our house. Once she reached the floor with broken walls and a setting sun, she passed away, disappearing as the sky turned dark.

I was at a convention, and people and I sifted through bags, seeking food or treasure, even though it was other people's garbage.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I was watching a movie on my computer. It was a good and sad, but imaginative. Started like a game in an almost bird's eye view, I watched a young man become surrounded by a bunch of guards who came to the sand-coloured, cobblestoned floor and bothered him for something. When they left, I don't remember the transition, but he found himself in an underground place with shadows. He became a kid here and cried as he wandered through until a little girl met him and toyed with him. She zipped through dimensions, opening and closing  windows of gold fairy dust, eventually inviting him in. The shadow world around him became lively of people hiding from the world above and its corrupt government. He lived there with her, and they grew up and married. But something happened and he died, but not by natural causes... maybe killed when the police found the place. The girl, now a woman, he behind was pregnant with their child. She raised him in his memory as a single mother, and the last scene took place in front of an ice cream shop, rebuilt in the destroyed underground dimension. The man behind the bar was broad like a sailor at a fish market. I cried through the majority of the movie and instant messaged Shortbread about it. Two little boys from my mother's side wanted to play with my computer, and because I'm a soft-spoken person, I used force when I said, "you can only watch this movie" and shoved the older child's shoulders in front of the monitor. I didn't want him playing with my files inside. He was holding two holographic fusion card monsters in his hands from the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game, and I asked him if he liked Yu-Gi-Oh. He shyly answered me.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I was at ChocoChip's house, in the countryside, with Cookie, Shortbread and Savoiardi. We looked out one of the tall windows because of funnel clouds that formed in the sky close by. Savoiardi explained to me that we were waiting for the hot air to rise and the cool air to set so the hurricane would happen, because that's what we anticipated and couldn't leave ChocoChip's house.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I can't remember my first dream, but in my second, Bunny was with me. I'm not sure what we were doing- something to do with clothes; maybe I was giving her clothes. We ended up naked beside each other and since we had the same figure, (except she was a little taller) I figured it was okay to be naked in the same room as her.

I was attending Harvard University and the hallways looked like my high school. Shortbread was with me and Cookie was somewhere too. I first went to visit Cookie, who was volunteering to help at a comic book/card hobby sale in the auditorium.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I was with Cookie and a cute man, who seemed to enjoy my company. The three of us left with my family to attend my home church, which was held in a thrift store. I enjoyed looking at a rack of items until the main church body gathered to begin worship.

Somewhere in this dream, I had extremely, terrible dandruff with pieces that were about an inch long and half an inch thick, and they hovered my scalp. I combed them gently, hoping they wouldn't break into smaller pieces as I tried to remove them. I hoped that neither Cookie or that boy noticed them, even though they were clearly visible.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I was at work in the restaurant preparing to do my clean up routine when a customer came and sat down at one of our tables. He was kind and patient. He ordered a rice plate and I offered chicken rice, which he accepted. When I told the Grams in the back kitchen, she became angry because she was saving the rice for someone, but the Gramps whispered to me to agree with her, and he'd secretly cook some for our customer.

Friday, February 15, 2013

I barely remember anything, but I do remember I was with the team from Young Justice and they were fighting Blue Beetle, who'd gone awry.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I had a nerve wracking time at my job in fast food, preparing pre-assembled salads, and this caught my boss' attention, Jessica Pearson (from Suits). She came in front if the salad bar's glass window, and leaned forward, demanding I show her how I assembled the salads. Feeling nervous under her authority, I was careful in the amount of ingredients I put into the salad- a decent amount of lettuce, four tomatoes, about a tablespoon of onions... She kept a careful watch on my face instead of the salad, as if looking for something to bust me for putting too much or to little ingredients into the salads.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I faintly remember playing My Sweet Bodyguard on my phone and finding a gacha game that gave me a bed in the game.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shortbread and I were working on Project E.P.I.C at her house when we took a break to relax in her backyard. She slipped on her sand-coloured sneakers before stepping onto the wooden patio overlooking the green grass below. She took a seat on the steps, while I got my smartphone. I asked her what the password was to her wireless, but she didn't know. Her dad (Shortbread and I are unrelated; my uncle was her dad in this dream) overheard us and gave it to me. He also told me to wait because I shouldn't go outside without shoes. He came back with pointed toe red heels and I can't remember what happened here very well- something about wearing one of the shoes in a special way. After he put these shoes on my feet, I was free to join Shortbread. I explained about the shoes when she asked, and she responded that one of my legs must not be even. I wondered how they would figure that out when I looked down at my feet and saw my left foot was slightly pinker, as if more blood flowed into it.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I don't remember my dream much, but I was with Damian Wayne (Batman's fifth sidekick) in his role as Robin. He did an aerial kick over something about the height of a couch. I think we were looking for Dick Grayson (Batman).

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I was with all my relatives from my dad's side and we went to a formal restaurant for lunch. I was near the entrance waiting for a table with the adults when most of the children have been seated. At the front desk were two boxes of nail polish. I looked at the colours and my cousin picked up a dark blue one to try. She was disappointed in the texture because it was extremely thin. Behind us, my aunt was heading back to her car because her feet were cold in the flip flops she wore and she was looking to change into shoes. Soon we were sent to sit with the rest of my cousins and I sat at the head. Each of us were given a necklace, so in my hand was a ruby, heart pendant on a thin, brass wire that kept a round shape. My cousin seated at the other side of the head table called to me to join the necklace switch where we would try on each other's received necklace. In my hand next was a bronze necklace that I didn't understand. It was suppose to be a heart so i fidgeted with it and it became an upside down heart. Now i had to let it go and I received my necklace back. There were soda cans by each of my cousin's plates but mine and I wondered when did they get these- I've been left out by everyone again, as I am constantly missing out on things when I'm with these people. I looked behind me and noticed there were two young, blond, Caucasian ladies in tight, black and modest dresses talking and guiding children back to their corner of the restaurant. I figured they were event planners for a wedding reception that was currently happening.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I was with Shortbead and my family. We took Shortbread with us and went to a shop during Christmas time. This shop was like a tattoo place but we painted ourselves like children and it washed off. I was late in starting so I didn't get to use the stencils and painted with a brush swirling lines on the back of my hand. When we finished, the sales person said he had a gift for us since we were regulars. He came back with a bucket and a giant foam, blue fish. He balanced the fish on the edge of the bucket and Shortbread laughed in amusement.

Monday, January 14, 2013

I was with Shortbread, Cookie and Flan from university. We were in a building that looked like a university, but it was empty, like at night time. We were there for a relative's birthday, but the three of us left because we didn't fit in with my family. We sat on a bench on the top floor bridge/balcony, over looking the ground floor, and especially the floor-to-ceiling glass window with a view of of the lavender sky and setting sun. On the horizon was the sea, glistening by the dirt, country road. Directly above was a white sheet, which Disney's Tangled was being projected on. We watched as we worked on something on our laptops. When it was time to eat, my uncle came out and called us, a plate of food in his hands. Flan held out his hand for me to take, and I took Cookie's hand as well. Hand in hand, we joined my family for food.

Friday, January 11, 2013

I was playing Lineage II again as a dark elf, but was the dark elf rather than having a dark elf avatar.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I went to a class I had taken with Cookie and found him already seated in the back row with a seat saved for me. It was a small class of about fifteen and the professor I had was my computer science professor from Harvard. He was teaching us CS. When class had ended, everyone left the room together and it was inside a rundown mall where the stores were all Chinese. The professor kept talking and pointing at the graphics on store windows. When we reached the parking lot, Cookie and I hopped into the trunk of the professor's jeep and the professor drove us away.

I was a friend of Artemis Crock of Young Justice and she and Arsenal were wanted for the murder of three of her childhood friends. As their punishment was being declared by the enemy, I watched the giant dolls hover around and move to certain spaces in front of me. There were many wooden dolls, but three dolls hovered forward representing the murdered. The enemy didn't know where they were but I did. I was a double agent. When the dolls stopped moving I left the area and the house it was located in. I found Roy  Harper hugging an upset Artemis behind a dumpster in an alley. They were framed but didn't know how to prove their innocence.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I was with the people at church and I think my family stayed over with someone. I woke in the morning to find the house empty except Hummingbird, who was getting ready. I asked where everyone was and she told me, "what's wrong with you? They're at church. You don't have to go now that you're late." but I hurried to get ready and go with her.

I was in a class and the classroom was arranged like a high school's. I remember there was a handsome student in my class. I ran into the hallway and drank from a fountain. I realized I wore a white skirt and felt airy, but I also realized I didn't shave my legs. I hurried back to class embarrassed. I sat beside Gaufrette, and we had to choose a partner and do a project. Gaufrette asked me if I knew French and I told her Shortbread might because she took it in high school.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I was in a car with Cookie and his mom. We were headed to his cousin's university because he forgot a banner for a dance performance he was participating in. It had already started when we arrived. Cookie's mom gave one side of the banner to Cookie to hold and ran across the stage to the other side. I didn't see it, but I heard Cookie start cracking up. The song ended soon (which was "Rolling Girl" by Wowaka, sung by Akiakane). He told me at the end that his mom stopped in the middle of the stage in front of the dancers during the performance with the banner in hand. I didn't understand why that was so funny, but it made me so happy to see him laugh like that.

Friday, January 4, 2013

I was at a place in Toronto away from the heart of the city and somewhere at the outskirts of town. I accompanied my cousin who recently married and had some business to take care of. We left a nice building, with tall sand-coloured bricks and violet singles decorated with black iron, to a parking lot with cars. On the way to a wide building, we passed by two women, one who was Julia Roberts yelling, "I quit my job today!" in a carefree way and held a cap of blue in her hand. Her friend, dressed in the same uniform of a blue blazer accented with two gold rings around the sleeves, a white dress shirt with a baby pink scarf tied around her neck, and a blue pencil skirt, took her shoulder to lead her away from us; she was Scarlet Johansson. I yelled back asking where did she work, as I could apply for her position, and Roberts responded gleefully with, "Chubby Subway!" My cousin and I were headed to the subway station anyway, so I had a look around as we walked passed several stores. We reached a huge staircase much like an opera hall covered with crowds of people who were angry with the subway's operation. After talking with another worker there, we headed back. I remember her younger sister saying she worked at the subway station before and as we passed the many stores, I wondered which store was it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I was summoned by someone to go to the side of an old, stone building and bury someone. There, I found Dean Winchester (from Supernatural) who told me his parents where buried improperly and he had to rebury them. I found myself in a mission to find someone, I think. I was in a place that looked like the basement of my church and a girl and I were getting ready for our undercover missions. Cookie was given a task to infiltrate from inside the underwater moat, while the girl and I were to act as servants or card sharks. I wanted to do another task because I was afraid of blowing my cover but I wasn't allowed to take over Cookie's task because I couldn't swim. After a while of hiding in the basement, Butter came down and said there was an archery tournament, so I went upstairs and did it, but you had to shoot within the blue rings of the target. We had to restart the competition, as someone messed up, so I cheated and missed one blue area. I made it at first place. We had to pay the tournament admission fee of ten dollars, so I went down and asked to borrow money from someone. Butter gave me a ten dollar bill, but it was fake.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I was with Cookie in a livingroom with dark blue carpet and walls lined with white. There were boxes scattered around the room as if someone moved in or was moving out. We killed time in this room while we waited for his sister to come and tell us what to do with these boxes. I found myself at the ground floor of an apartment waiting for my friends to come pick me up when a car pulled up and I got into the backseat. It was like a small limousine because the person in the front passenger turned around and talked to us. I can't tell who the other person I was with was, but the other was Wafer. We were planning something for Shortbread's birthday. We arrived at another apartment and went to the party room. We talked and my cousin showed up and started dancing. I didn't know we invited her.


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