Monday, November 28, 2022


I dreamt I returned to working for Sobeys, but at a larger store. I made a friend who looked like Red Prince, but younger, and we worked in the same department that wasn't the front end.

It was the Christmas season, and as the day was ending, I couldn't find him.

I met a girl who was tall and strawberry blond. I tried to use a time clock machine with voice commands, to clock out, but it just kept reciting my work history. When it finally stopped, I gave up as the girl told me it was time to go.

 I followed her through the employee hall as everyone went home for the day. I watched a big, blond bully push another employee around, and when I went to try and stop him, the girl tried to stop me. She was shoved aside when the bully pushed the employee again. So I left them alone.

I followed the girl down, then upstairs and through a few winding hallways to a little banquet room. She led me to our table, and I stopped and noticed who was seated at our table: she, the friend that looked like Red Prince, Red Prince himself, Grannysmith and two others I didn't recognize. As I approached my seat by Grannysmith, the girl asked if I wanted some of her shrimp meal. I looked at my meal, which had the same food plated, so I shook my head.

When I sat down, Red Prince asked me for the resume I was holding, so I gave it wordlessly. He had another paper in his handwriting - a letter about how he wasn't paid properly for some extra work we both did. He crossed out and added my name and info on several lines. I saw his resume and asked if he's done any other work since, but he didn't respond. I don't know if he ignored me or couldn't hear me.

Saturday, April 30, 2022


I was travelling on a dirt road with companions, when I came across a sad man. I spoke to him about his sad face. He told me about his dear friend, who was a guard of their village, who he had not seen for some time. He spoke of how they met: when he found his friend tied to a shield that was tangled to a rock on the ground. He untied him and since that day, they were inseparable until now.

I, and my companions, decide to help him, though I don't know how I did.

The dream ends when he had gone missing for hours, so I organize a search party with the village guards. Upon hearing his friend's disappearance, the guard joined us as we comb the forest.
He was the one to find his friend, lying on the grass, with a buckler strapped to his arm.
“What are you doing?” the guard asked.
“I am stuck the way I found you that day,” he replied.
Under his iron helmet, I saw the guard's face light up and flush with joy as he rushed to his aid. I felt as if they were more than friends, as they embraced tightly, though they hadn't realized it yet.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

20220203 I was with Shortbread and her sister on a public bus. We were on our way to a convention for something. On my way to my seat from the washroom, I met this young man, who was quiet and reserved more than shy. I invited him to come with us, as he travelled alone to our same destination. I introduced the man to my friends, and he took the window seat beside me.

Some time after sitting, a pale, orange cat trotted towards us. I petted it, and feeling sleepy, I rested my head on a plexi-glass divider between us. I closed my eyes and the cat licked my face. I felt a soft kiss on my lips and assumed it was the cat licking away. When I opened my eyes, I saw the cat on the man's lap. They were both looking at me.

We arrived at our destination, at a hotel, and went to our room. The man followed us, and when we got there, Cookie greeted us. There was an extra bed, so we invited the man to share the room with us. When we had settled, Cookie asked if we should go to dinner. I happily agreed and looked for my purse. I searched above the wardrobe and under the beds until I found it. Then we were off.

Along the way, we looked around as tables of boxes merchandise lined the hallway and the path to the restaurant. Something caught my eye, so I told everyone else to go ahead. I was alone with the man, and I noticed how close he was standing to me. I kept thinking about the cat and the kiss.

I confronted him, asking directly, “did you kiss me?” and he nodded.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

20220120 In the late evening of an autumn day, I travelled to Toronto to meet with Shortbread, who was also commuting there. I arrived earlier than she did, so I went for a walk near a couple of apartments and by a beach. As I walked by the beach, I saw many people happily walking around. I got a ludicrous idea that I should call the police and claim there's a dead body found.

A man picked up, asking for information, and I told him, ”at Carlson and Cooper”, as I quickly checked Google Maps. I left the area in a hurry, passing more apartment spaces. I found a lot what was about to be demolished for a new build. There were trees and tufts of tall grass, so I trespassed to find a place I could hide a white bowl I carried. I decided near the tall grass by a chain linked fence. I got a text from Shortbread as I buried this bowl, and quickly went to meet her.

I met with Shortbread, giving her a hug. My cellphone kept ringing, with the police on the other side. Since I haven't answered, he texted me, “where exactly did you find the body?” and “where? I'll have my team look with security cameras.” Forgetting that security cameras existed, I was terrified of all these messages, regretful to prank the police. I was scared I'd be fined and Cookie and I wouldn't be able to pay the amount. I took off my bright red coat, and held it, hoping when they looked at the security cameras, they wouldn't recognize me.

Shortbread and I wandered unto an empty basketball court where we sat on the bleachers. I noticed the security cameras that pointed towards us and to the court, so I used my coat to hide my face. We talked, and a family of Chinese spotted us. They approached and took pictures with us.


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