Saturday, April 30, 2022


I was travelling on a dirt road with companions, when I came across a sad man. I spoke to him about his sad face. He told me about his dear friend, who was a guard of their village, who he had not seen for some time. He spoke of how they met: when he found his friend tied to a shield that was tangled to a rock on the ground. He untied him and since that day, they were inseparable until now.

I, and my companions, decide to help him, though I don't know how I did.

The dream ends when he had gone missing for hours, so I organize a search party with the village guards. Upon hearing his friend's disappearance, the guard joined us as we comb the forest.
He was the one to find his friend, lying on the grass, with a buckler strapped to his arm.
“What are you doing?” the guard asked.
“I am stuck the way I found you that day,” he replied.
Under his iron helmet, I saw the guard's face light up and flush with joy as he rushed to his aid. I felt as if they were more than friends, as they embraced tightly, though they hadn't realized it yet.


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