Sunday, December 30, 2012

It was dark and I was on the run, escaping from someone with Wafer. We split directions to hide, and I found myself in an empty warehouse with boxes stacked around the edges by the walls. I was caught by a man in his twenties, built with a swimmer's body, wearing a grey t-shirt and jeans. He swept me off my feet and I put me down on top of a bed of boxes with a mischievous curl in his grin.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I went to Anime North with Shortbread and we wandered around looking at the street vendors. Someone was here to pick us up so we went into their car and home. In another dream I was with Cookie and we were at another anime convention or somewhere else. We saw a friend and he chatted with her. I went to the washroom several times to wash my hands and on the last time I realized I was in the men's room. No one said a thing to me and I wasn't bothered as the sign was graffitied on. Cookie wanted to use the washroom once he finished talking to our friend, so I showed him the men's room. I think his mom was there too.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I worked overtime at my job (a fast food shawarma restaurant) as the sky became dark. We had a group of student customers that the grill was too full and sandwiches couldn't fit. After serving them I realized the lights weren't on so I turned them on and everyone cheered. I went home to a house I cohabited with another family. They were Chinese with two sons. There was a third family living with us too, with two sons and a father. As the Caucasian family exited the house, I received mail from NCIS. I said to myself, "cool, NCIS" and entered the house. Before going to my room, I passed the Chinese family and one of their male relatives, knowing it was from the older brother. He came to me and hugged me. I was confused, until his uncle corrected him, telling him that he was not hugging his father. I frowned at his mistake but he still didn't seem to recognize me and continued his hug.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I was with Wafer and Shortbread outside a huge mall in their large parking lot. We talked and laughed on this cloudy day, where the grass was brown and crisp, and the air was cold. We ran into some of our high school guy friends, mainly Biscotti, Amaretti and another. I don't remember what else we did but when we were approaching the mall entrance, there was a concrete ledge that emerged from a downward slope of grass and I grabbed onto it and scaled across with my hands until I reached the doors of the mall. I didn't realize I was about eighteen feet off the ground until one of the guys cheered, "go, go!". By then, I tried to pull myself on the ledge, but my biceps were weak and I dropped. I slid down the brick wall to my friends below, a cloud of dust trailing from my sneakers.

I had another short dream I was sorting and packaging boxes for children for Christmas. These boxes were for children in third world countries.


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