Tuesday, June 27, 2023

 20230627 I was holding a wooden stick that was roughly shaved of its bark, not thicker than a centimetre, and as long as a chopstick. As I twirled it between my fingers, a minuscule piece lodged itself in my finger. I had a splinter.

Monday, June 26, 2023

 20230626 All I remember was that I had a large teacup of blooming tea. As the petals opened, the bottom of the cup became a concentrated burnt sienna.

Friday, June 23, 2023

 20230623 I don't remember what happened, except Obi-wan was in the lead, next Anakin, then Commander Cody, Captain Rex* (from Star Wars: The Clone Wars) and I at the end. We traversed a dim, narrow corridor as several fluorescent lights dangled from the ceiling, sparking flying several directions, and the emergency lights barely lit our path ahead. I think we were trying to escape. A noise caught our attention and we all looked behind us.

*  The Jedi wore their Season 3 outfits, and the clones wore their Phase II kits, buckets on and blasters drawn and ready.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

20230620 Somewhere in the countryside with a small group of strangers, Cookie's sister's family, and Spritz, we were led into a cave that went underground. There were zombies around that periodically came out of the many cavern paths, and we lost many of our group to them.

I remember crawling in the dirt, in a narrow passage, with a lantern in my hand. Everyone with us had one that they held as high as they possibly could with the low ceiling and away from the dirt to avoid extinguishing the flame in them. Spritz was with us. We were being led to the safety room underground and we had to take care our lanterns didn't ignite the grasses and gasses surrounding us, or we'd explode.

I remember a scene vividly. I heard music and I wandered into a room with mud walls. I found Spritz listening to an old record player - a phonograph. When he saw me, I told him I liked his music - rock - and he said I could pick a record to play. I flipped through his collection and chose one with a blue cover, like an image underwater. He put it on, and as it played, I felt relief from the tenseness of being underground and being surrounded by zombies. Spritz put an arm around my shoulder, and I gingerly put one around his waist. I felt touch-starved and so did he. When Cookie came looking for me, we let go, pretending nothing happened. The song had the softness of Lifehouse's “I Wish You Were Here.”

Saturday, June 17, 2023

 20230617 Cookie and I visited Cherry and her cat, who was back to being a kitten. As we spent time with her, the cat began clawing and biting playfully, but he didn't know how much strength he put into each swipe and bite because of his age. Eventually, Cherry put him in a large jar, telling him how he was being a bad kitten. As we admired him through the glass, Cherry's boyfriend came. He was upset about that we put him in the jar.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

20230606 I don't remember my first dream anymore, but I remember my second one better. I was with four other boys, and we were probably superheroes - guardians of the world. Our headquarters were in the sky just above the clouds, in a building that was massive and elliptical in shape (it resembled Tipoca City on Kamino in Star Wars). On the news we heard the world below was suffering a pandemic - a virus - and we were scared. Not long after, we received a mission to go down and watch a little boy. A partner (or two) and I went down, to a little warehouse. When we met the boy, he told us his mother was looking after an elderly man in the room adjacent to us. In our current room, there were many cathode ray tube (CRT) television screens stacked from floor to ceiling. Each one displayed SMPTE colour bars. When I asked the boy if his mother needed help, he said she said she didn't. She worked taking care of the elderly.

I opened the door to check on them and was horrified by the smell as I walked in. The elderly man was laying on the bed while she cleaned soiled, wet puddles of watery stool around the room. She wasn't happy she had to clean it, but she'd rather do it alone than have another involved, I wondered if the elderly man has the virus.

Monday, June 5, 2023

20230605 My plush toy, I affectionately named “Baby Yoda”, was alive and needed cuddles. 

I can't remember anything else that happened.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

20230601 I lived back in my old condo by the Toronto Waterfront, but the layout looked a lot more like my childhood apartment. I awoke from an afternoon nap, and Cookie kissed my forehead. As we were lying on our hotel-white bedsheets, Cookie bolts up and starts rushing to get dressed.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

He pointed to the ceiling, quiet. Listening carefully, I heard it. The carbon monoxide alarms were ringing throughout the building except in our suite. As soon as I was dressed, we peered out our front door and descended the stairs to the courtyard on the 8th floor.

My mom, dad and sister sat at a picnic table where we joined them. I don't remember what happened, but soon we were allowed back into our homes. 

Once inside our apartment's white walls, technicians went suite-to-suite checking everyone's alarms. I saw something stuck in ours, hence why it didn't ring, and I pulled it out. The alarm began buzzing and ringing. Luckily, not long after, two male technicians inspected ours and I confessed I broke ours just now. The Latino American one excused himself, saying he'll be back with a new one. I'm not sure where Cookie had gone, but I was alone with the other one. He was Caucasian with brown hair that was mildly curly and a little longer than his ears (he looked a little like Hunter Doohan from the show Wednesday). He was attractive, and despite being confident around his friend, he was shy. He showed me a video that his company made using a drone. We spoke a little and exchanged emails for instant messaging.

Sometime in the future, we had friends over and I messaged him to come join us. When he came, I spent most of my time with him. At one [point, he sat at Cookie's work desk, set up his mini laptop and began typing away, working. I turned around and sorted through cellphone batteries on my desk, finding one that was swollen. I made a mental note to take it to the store to be recycled.

It was morning, and when everyone had left, Cookie and I went for a walk. When we went to the brown postboxes to get our mail, a dog approached us and began pooping in front of us. Cookie stepped back.

“She's very lovely. Or he,” I told the owner, disregarding the dog's actions.

She was a blond, elderly, round woman. She looked at me. “Thank you for not assuming her gender. I don't know what it is.” When the dog was done, they were off and so were we.

I don't remember why, but I stopped to pet an Irish shepherd's silky head, but as she flopped on her back, I decided to lie on the pavement and continue rubbing. Soon a new dog came by and got rubs and cuddles. Then I felt one with curly fur crawl under my legs and lie down. Soon there was a dog by my face. It looked familiar with a salt and peppered black coat and face.

“Hello,” I said to the dog, as its owners came to me happily. It was Cherry and her boyfriend. I looked under my legs to see Peach and Tomato's two, sweet dogs. I enjoyed being in that dog pile, in the sunshine.


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