Monday, September 29, 2008

There was a friend Wafer had on her Ventrilo account. He would always talk to me and stalk me because he liked me. There was a school meeting and everyone had to gather in the auditorium. I founded EggTart there, so I sat beside him. EggTart had somewhere to go near the end of the presentation so he often asked me for the time. When he left, he told me to find the guy who always talked to me, so I did. We ate potato chips in the auditorium; I had barbecue flavoured potato chips.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I was in university and had to pose in front of everyone nude as a model. After that, I went to the space I rented to stay in for school. It was in the middle of campus somewhere and decorated with warm pictures and books... It was like a summer house or a cottage, and it was dusk, when the sun was setting. Cookie came to visit me. He met Flan and they got along very well. Cookie had to leave so he kissed me goodbye and left. Flan stayed a little longer. He said, "did you know it's possible to clean hair with two drops of water?" I said no, so he told me to drop two drops of of water on my finger. I followed his instruction, resulting in him sucking the water off my finger. I turned around and with his mouth, he took a few strands of my hair and went down each length of them. When he got to the strands right at the back of my head, it felt like kisses rather than cleaning. He stopped when a knock came from the window. It was a police man who came to talk to him about something outside. By this time, the sun had set and it was dark all around.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I have forgotten the dream, but it had involved Cookie.

I had a dream where this beast that was humanistic, but had a horse's/donkey's head with glowing golden eyes that were round and right in the front of its face; its gaze was intense. It ran after me so I ran inside a house and tried to close the screen door but it had its head in the doorway and was trying to get in. My mom had a knife and tried to make it go away; my first intent was to kill it. My mom now had a xacto knife and was trying to cut off its fingers but it started crying. My mom opened the door and the monster turned into a little toddler girl. She said her fingers hurt.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I had a dream with Cookie and his cousins. We were at our high school, SSS, in the back hallway where we hung out for lunch at grade 11. A teacher walked in and said something and suddenly we were in a home with a nanny. When the teacher came in, I held someone back by their tummy, as if "make way; someone important is passing by."


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