Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shortbread and I were working on Project E.P.I.C at her house when we took a break to relax in her backyard. She slipped on her sand-coloured sneakers before stepping onto the wooden patio overlooking the green grass below. She took a seat on the steps, while I got my smartphone. I asked her what the password was to her wireless, but she didn't know. Her dad (Shortbread and I are unrelated; my uncle was her dad in this dream) overheard us and gave it to me. He also told me to wait because I shouldn't go outside without shoes. He came back with pointed toe red heels and I can't remember what happened here very well- something about wearing one of the shoes in a special way. After he put these shoes on my feet, I was free to join Shortbread. I explained about the shoes when she asked, and she responded that one of my legs must not be even. I wondered how they would figure that out when I looked down at my feet and saw my left foot was slightly pinker, as if more blood flowed into it.


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