Friday, January 4, 2013

I was at a place in Toronto away from the heart of the city and somewhere at the outskirts of town. I accompanied my cousin who recently married and had some business to take care of. We left a nice building, with tall sand-coloured bricks and violet singles decorated with black iron, to a parking lot with cars. On the way to a wide building, we passed by two women, one who was Julia Roberts yelling, "I quit my job today!" in a carefree way and held a cap of blue in her hand. Her friend, dressed in the same uniform of a blue blazer accented with two gold rings around the sleeves, a white dress shirt with a baby pink scarf tied around her neck, and a blue pencil skirt, took her shoulder to lead her away from us; she was Scarlet Johansson. I yelled back asking where did she work, as I could apply for her position, and Roberts responded gleefully with, "Chubby Subway!" My cousin and I were headed to the subway station anyway, so I had a look around as we walked passed several stores. We reached a huge staircase much like an opera hall covered with crowds of people who were angry with the subway's operation. After talking with another worker there, we headed back. I remember her younger sister saying she worked at the subway station before and as we passed the many stores, I wondered which store was it.


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