Friday, October 21, 2011

I went to get ice cream with Shortbread at one of my art teacher's parent's ice cream shop. I think we had one cone of ice cream first, then we decided to try something fancy. Shortbread decided on her second ice cream flavour first. It wasn't in a cone- it was more of a flat cake as an end result, but the process was interesting. My teacher's mother (I think my teacher was Dean from high school) painted something on a wooden board then added fondant decor on top to create a scene. When she finished, she did a spell and glowing blue lights shone from her hands as she pressed her palms down on either side of the board. The paint and decor all turned into candy, and she scooped vanilla ice cream into the centre of it. When it was my turn, she brought me upstairs to their bedroom. She brought out a giant, wooden, glazed and painted acorn that Dean made in university, telling me she was a hard worker, who kept sculpting before and after class. As I examined the acorn, she began working on the base of my ice cream holder. When she received a telephone call, she left it to answer, and I continued what she was doing. She made small pages of a book in fondant, as well as round things. I laid them out as she did, but when she returned, I wasn't done. She said I have to stay until I finished it, as if it were an art project.


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