Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I was back in university, except my school was different, Wafer and my sister were there, and Manello (my high school English teacher) was a professor. Wafer had class and asked me to look after Misty, her white toy-poodle dog. I picked her up, and carried her like that. I soon realized I had class as well, so I rushed into Manello's class and took a seat at a desk. My sister sat to our right, and Manello began the lecture. Halfway into it, Misty had to urinate. I walked with her to the glass elevator, and on the ground floor, Misty knew what to do. The sky was a gorgeous pink-lavender and the cool breeze felt wonderful, that it was a shame I had school indoors. When Misty finished, I carried her, but realized her bladder had leaked more fluids. My white, collared shirt was partly soaked with her urine, but I could do nothing now that it happened. We went back into the elevator and in the hallway before class, I realized there was a play area for children with a mini slide. As couple of kids were playing on it, and I wondered if they'll let dogs play too. I spoke with a lady standing near it, but I don't remember on what, then I returned to class with Misty in my arms.


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