Saturday, October 8, 2011

I was with Shortbread and we were going to go to a festival thing. She wanted a picture with something or someone who was outside and there was a line up to take pictures with them. We talked as we waited. One of the talks was about our old friend Meringue and how I perceived her (in this dream) as a girl who was hiding her mush under a tough exterior. Shortbread didn't like that about her.

In my second dream, I was with Meringue and we were in a small hallway. There was a door at the opposite side of the room. First a lady came out, then our old, wrinkly, 90 year old mayor, Hazel McCallion. This time I had the guts to walk up to her and I asked for a picture. I taught Meringue how to use my camera and it took her a couple of tires, but she got a nice picture with Hazel and I. I was ecstatic to finally get a picture with our adorable mayor.


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