Monday, December 15, 2008

Cookie and I played video games at my old apartment while Cookie's mom used my cellphone for business calls, long distance. I didn't mind because I had My5 (10 from a back to school Rogers promotion) and I added one of her numbers on it so she could call.

There was a princess talent show that I watched through a window from two floors above the stage that was beside it. I was dressing up a mannequin; it was exactly like a giant Barbie doll. I found this out when I flipped her upside down to find out whether it had female parts. I watched a few shows, and when a supervisor came in, I flipped the skirt back down. Next I went into the auditorium and my view switched to which I became the performer on stage. The judge loved my skills but asked for a copy of my pamplet. There was a big blur here, in which I can't remember anything. There was a princess in a stone castle. She was taking a bath; her maid was also taking a bath in a different bathtub. Viking soldiers barged into the bathroom and killed her maid in her bath and left the princess in the bathroom with the lights off and the door locked. I snuck around the castle and found her door and opened it, and we both escaped outside. We found another guy who escaped with us. There were three policemen who found us and we acted cautiously so we wouldn't get busted for freeing the princess. They ended up to be on our side, but were testing us. We went indoors to an ice rink and went skating.


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