Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I went grocery shopping with my sister for some things our mom needed and as we were picking up a cart, we ran into Benedict Cumberbatch. Excited, I rushed to him and chatted I knew my sister was a huge fan (not in real life) but she didn't go near him or try to say "hi". She ended up leaving to go to another store within the small mall and I spent time with Cumberbatch, wandering around until the mall turned into the foyer of a hotel. To our left, we circled a big breakfast pavilion in the shape of a circle. I took a picture of it as we passed with my cellphone's camera to use as a game background later. While I still had my phone out, I asked if we could take a picture together and he agreed. My sister caught up with us and I asked if she wanted to take a picture with him. She acted shy and aloof but said yes. I didn't know how to use her camera and it wouldn't autofocus correctly. I fiddled with the settings and when I looked up again, a group of cosplayers ended up posing beside Cumberbatch; my sister was not by his side anymore. I tried taking another picture without luck and the group kept getting bigger and longer that my sister was no longer close enough near him to take a decent picture. This kept going on until Cumberbatch said he had to go. He was getting fed up of waiting for a faulty camera to work. I gave the camera back to my sister as the crowd dispersed and told her I didn't get a picture- she wasn't close enough to him.


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