Sunday, May 13, 2012

I was with Cookie going into a new home we purchased together. It was in an old apartment, where the exteriors were remodeled to look like a new condo. We stepped into the elevator and chose our location. The elevator not only tool us in a vertical route to our home, but horizontally as well. We were startled by this. All the while, we could see outside the elevator, which looked like a hallway with tacky orange carpeting and cream walls doused in yellowy dim lighting. Cookie was disappointed in the walls and felt nitpicky* about the uneven ceilings we passed by.

I had the chance to meet John Barrowman and another male celebrity. Barrowman wasn't as happy or outgoing as he was in television, that I was scared he didn't like me much. The other celebrity was David Tennant, and he was talkative and happy. I was with a male friend, and I asked the two celebrities from Doctor Who if I could take their pictures; they agreed to it. I had trouble focusing my camera and feared I'd miss a good picture, but I finally was able to take one. I was so happy to meet these people in person.

* Cookie's in construction. Cookie can see these things.


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