Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I don't remember what I was doing but I was wandering around in an unfamiliar city on a late Saturday afternoon. The sky was still bluish when I arrived at the fountain square. It was vastly round, dug out from the ground and made with poured concrete. Leading to the centre was a small catwalk where people could walk and take pictures. As I was passing, I noticed a man in casual dark jeans and a plaid, navy, collared shirt standing at the centre of the fountain. He seemed a little lost, dazed, and maybe unhappy but I recognized him instantly from the few Harry Potter movies I've seen him act in, and knew Shortbread loved. So I walked up to him saying, "Excuse me, but may I take your picture? My friend is a big fan, Mr. Radcliffe." Awkwardly, I threw in his name, just in case it was someone else, but he replied with a nod. I whipped out my cellphone camera and took my place at his side. As the sun began to set, I drew my head close to his so we could both fit into the picture together, but then I realized I'd like two pictures and told him: one picture with us together (as proof I'm not lying that I've met him) and one picture with just him. Right as I pressed the shutter button, he pulled his hand out to push the camera down and kissed me in the lips. It was a wet, passionate kiss, but I instantly pushed him away, asking  "what was that!?", confused and startled. He shrugged his plaid, navy shoulders and disappeared into the crowd that suddenly formed around us. They were dressed in black tie formality and didn't noticed what just happened to me. From the people in the crowd, I recognized a few celebrities. One of them decided to converse and play with me. He took my cell camera and took a shot of himself before a blond celebrity woman (who I think is Britta from the show, 'The Community'), who grabbed it out of his hand and took a picture of herself. "That's not how you take a picture!" she said. I laughed while holding their drinks. I don't remember what happened for a while after, but it was already night when I noticed the time. I looked towards the closest building, which shot from the ground and its glass, red roof was lit up. By it, artificial light flooded the area of standing famous and rich people deep in their conversations. It was time to go. I picked my red, small back pack off the cement sidewalk and slung it over my shoulders, then flipped through the pictures I've taken today. The picture with Daniel Radcliffe turned out well with our heads just covering the sun on the horizon, so our faces weren't under exposed and the sun had given us a halo. The sky behind us was a sweet blue-lavender hue. There was no sign of his stolen kiss in it, so I uploaded it on the networking site I used and shared the four photos I've taken that day. I read a message afterward from Shortbread to confirm our next meeting next Saturday.


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