Saturday, September 5, 2009

I was at my university house for the third year. The sky was grey outside and seemed like it was winter. The sky was gloomy. I was talking to Shortbread in MSN Messenger and we were on a game that seemed like laser tag on the massive multiplayer online roleplaying game we use to play called Dark Ages. I was pretty good at the game, shooting everyone on sight. When I was playing, it was as if I were playing laser tag in real life. I stopped after a while and talked to Shortbread on MSN. I felt like wandering my location, since my residence is in the suburbs. I remembered a plaza that I saw on a map of the area before and I decided to check it out. I sent a message to Shortbread and a bunch of messages I sent to her popped up. I scrolled up and saw in green, a message from the program reading, "//acisisica// has updated her IP." I dismissed the message and told Shortbread that I'd be back soon, since I was going out to find something to eat.


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