Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Shortbread, Gaufrette, Biscotti and I were all in the same school. We had a break in our gym class, where we were watching a movie, so we went out and wandered into the street, to a park, then a beach. I kept an eye at the time. Gaufrette and Shortbread sprinted off halfway into the beach when I called them back, since it was time for our break to almost end. We walked to the park where earlier, we saw a large patch of orange lilies growing. Gaufrette and Shortbread wanted to see them, so we took a small trip there and found that they were gone. A little old lady with really dark skin (she was possibly African) came out. She owned the patch and grew the flowers. She was thrilled that we liked her flowers but regretted to tell us that her lilies were gone and picked. We continued on our way to the school and by then, we decided to skip the rest of the movie. We stopped at the cafeteria, where everyone but Biscotti ordered something. I was clueless when ordering so I ended up getting tea and a coke, which was not paid for since the cashier didn't notice or forgot to ring it too. We all headed somewhere after that, which I don't remember where. Somewhere in this dream, I remember I kissed Biscotti.

I was at Amaretti's house since people I knew and didn't know gathered there to watch a movie. Near the end of it, I went to the washroom. I stayed in there for a bit and somehow manipulated my MSN Messenger name to something kind of depressing. When I opened the washroom door, everyone left, but Amaretti was still home. I can't recall what happened exactly. He asked if I was alright; I guess he saw my MSN name. I either tripped and fell on him, or he gave me a hug, but in the end of it, he gave me a kiss.


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