Wednesday, March 1, 2023

20230301 I visited my ChocoChip's new home. The living room was more like a long hall. At the far end was a white grand piano, with rows and rows of pews before it, like in a church. Cookie and I sat in the far back, a row before the last, as we waited for ChocoChip's daughter's piano recital to begin.

Behind us, David Tennant sat with his legs crossed and arms folded over his chest. His sharp suit was dark blue with pinstripes. John Barrowman was leaning from behind his seat, whispering something and giggling. I was in awe and too shy to speak to either of them.

At some point, I asked ChocoChip if there was something I could help her do, as relaxing is not something I know how to do. She gave me the task of baking frozen pizzas. Her oven was the sand-coloured, cheap model from The Sims 4.


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