Monday, October 4, 2010

I was reading thick, four-hundred paged stories which Shortbread had also read. The stories followed the adventures of the characters from Tales of the Abyss. I remember a part where I was with Shortbread discussing what happened in these books and the part I was on, I was reading about Luke. In the story, Luke and Guy had to take turns being graded on their actions, if they were right or wrong, kind or mean. It was a test. Luke failed the two chances he was given and this was near the start of the book. Apparently, Guy's and Luke's points were connected in a way- they had to alternate to win another point to continue to stay on the ship they were currently on. Guy went first. He had one point, which he gained one more when he willingly helped the king of the boat in a time he was endanger. Because his guards saw this, since they were controlling their point system, he was given a point, so Luke and Guy shared two points. Now it was Luke's turn to try and get them to three points. Luke failed and lost both points. I was thinking about the book while I was in the shower at my house. The two guards in the story weren't human. When they passed and failed, their electronic, deep voice spoke out. I couldn't wait to read more, so I took the book with me to the bathroom and in the tub, I leaned back and held the book up to keep it from getting wet. My sister unlocked the door and walked in to use the sink; I was pissed.


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