Monday, April 3, 2006

*Copied from an old blog, though renamed a few things. Edits encased within [ ].

I took a nap after having milk and cookies, and I can't remember the beginning of the dream, but..

We were at [Sugar's] house- [Cookie], [Shortbread], [Sugar], [Wafer], [Butter], and [Sugar I wrote her in twice?]. We sat around a round kitchen table, and the kitchen looked like my pastor's kitchen. First it was [Cookie], [Shortbread], [Butter], [Wafer], and I sitting around. People were talking, but I couldn't pick up what they were saying. [Sugar] joins us, and we shuffle over so that she could sit with us. [Wafer] asked a question, I guess, and [Butter] moved in closer to her to explain it; he had a calculator, and there was a glass of milk of the table. When he was done explaining, he slammed the calculator on the table, and the floor beneath the table parted (it was light blue) in a huge crack, like a vein. Everyone was like "huh?" while [Sugar] was very sad since her parents would kill her. in the cracks, there were light blue lunch box coolers, and they were also huge, like the crack.


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