Sunday, January 22, 2012

I was with Hugene and an acquaintance from archery club, who was also in my fashion/sewing class, and we were in a class together. We all graduated from the same university (that I went to) and sat around a rectangular, children's table over a large, orange rug. Surrounding us was a creme-coloured, tiled floor and white walls. A few other students our age sat sparse around us, and we had all just finish eating lunch and/or working on free-time crafts. I don't remember most of the conversations that happened, but I remember I brought up how I regretted going to this university and wish I went to another. Our acquaintance was tall, African-American and kind, and he shook his head disagreeing with me-- he enjoyed going to this school. Later on when he left, Hugene and were left in the room. I took a pink, Barbie blanket from a pile and snuggled down in an armchair ready or a nap. Hugene gasped, reprimanding me, thinking I didn't own it, but I told her that my aunt had left it with my family to donate to flood victims who needed soft sleeping gear. My mother had taken it because it was a good blanket. Not too seem like a bad guy, I lied to Hugene, telling her my mother exchanged the blanket for another blanket, and placed it in the pile.


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