Friday, June 25, 2010

I was going to the library by transit with Axel and my cousin possibly. Hugene joined me and we all went on the bus when it arrived. The first stop came an Axel got up and came back with a glass mug of water. He gave it to me, so I took a sip and was about to give it to him but found that he got himself one too. We finally reached the library where I threw my garbage in the waste bin. The bus driver told me to throw away the sprite can too, which I thought was Hugene's so I took it from her and put it in the garbage (she made it into a water lily shape). We went inside and I heard people playing Street Fighter. I ran to an area with a bunch of N64 games and then went inside. it wasn't a library but a store. I went to the craft supplies and looked at things I could buy. There was this paper and this pen and I tested the ink pen on the paper, but I realized I needed to buy it now.


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