Monday, May 29, 2023

20230529 I was graduation a second time in high school with Cookie, Shortbread, and Wafer. I'd reenrolled back to school to gain knowledge for a new career path.

We were gathered in the same room with separate washrooms for girls and boys. The girls were given violet dresses to wear and the boys dark grey suits.

Each of us was given a purple sheet of paper with accomplishment phrases in a grid. We had to cross the ones we've done and speak about each accomplishment during the ceremony. I set mine down, with my purse, on a velvet, rose-coloured chair before using the washroom. When I came out, the paper was gone before I had a chance to read it.

I frantically looked around as everyone else completed theirs and filed into the auditorium, taking a seat in rows on the floor.

I wandered out of the room to see if a custodian threw it away. Before I knew it, the ceremony was done. Everyone graduated except me.


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