Wednesday, October 6, 2021

20211006 I was at an event venue, but there wasn't an event going on, and outside of it. The building was very rocky, built into a hill, or carved out of one. There were large stones and stairs cared into the stones; the stairs spanning from the ground floor of the building's entrance, to over its ”roof”. There were also many stone bridges reaching across the sky in front of its entrance. 

I climbed those stairs and wandered it's rocky edges, exploring and thinking. As I descended the stairs, I met a young man sitting at a side, trying to convince his friends to take a break from hopping around the rocks. He bumped his head and was bleeding on his left temple. I asked if he wanted some ice, and when he accepted, I found a way indoors to the kitchen. I helped myself to a ziplock bag and their ice. I thought about bandaging up his head, and what would be the best way to do that.


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