Saturday, December 10, 2011

I only remember two of the many dreams I had while slipping back and forth through consciousness.

In the first, I met my cousin from Britain. He kept a scrapbook of news from the newspaper and I went through it while sitting on my mom's huge bed. I compared one day's paper from his book-- I had a copy of a certain date and put it in my own newspaper scrapbook journal.

In my second, I was going to New York. Cookie's mom took me to the airport which, when she left me alone, it turned into a bus-like vehicle. I met people I was going to see again at a family event. When I arrived, I wandered through the city to find my hotel. I remembered Anthony Bourdain and Cookie's friend, Passionfruit, and thought about the travelling they did. I reached the hotel which was dimly lit and I dropped things off in a room I shared with people who remembered me but I didn't remember them. They were friends of Cookie's sister. I went to the shower, which seemed like it belonged to an older house and shower, realizing I forgot to bring shampoo and soap. I was also afraid of getting athlete's foot. I went back to my room and Cookie's mom asked if she could borrow seven hundred dollars. I looked at the menu for dinner time in my room and it was worth that much to eat for one night.


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