Saturday, May 25, 2024

20240525 I went with Cookie's aunt's immediate family to a club his grandfather use to visit. It was full of seniors of different races and ages, though everyone was older than seventy. On this day, they were having a party - a potluck was laid out across a long table in this small hall.

Grandfather stayed home while Aunt's family and I went in his place. When we arrived, Aunt picked up a paper plate and began filling it with food. The rest of us followed suit. The others stopped what they did and stared. We felt self-conscious, so we left the party, bringing our plates with us. 
I was with another boy, but I wasn't in my body. I had dirty blond hair, tied in a ponytail and a proportionately slim body. This boy wouldn't give me what was in his hand, and I wanted it, terribly. I kissed him. It was soft and sweet. He relaxed his teasing posture as I took the item from his hand.


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