Thursday, December 2, 2004

My American history class from high school and I were in an old house. It was dusty and abandoned with chips of wood sticking out of the walls. All the old furniture were moved to one side of the room, tightly packed against the wall. Something happened, which I don't remember. I looked outside and to another house. There was a green, eerie glow coming out of the windows. I turned around and saw that the heads of my classmates had appeared to be canvases; their faces painted on, but their mouths were melting off and a hole took its place; I could see through them. I was telling them about the eerie green glow, but my voice sounded mumbled. They too, were trying to say something-- trying to warn me. Their cries were mumbled. I finally decided to see what the fuss was so I turned to a mirror and saw that my face was melting. I screamed.


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