Tuesday, January 14, 2025

20259114 i was in university but taking the subway system. I felt free of responsibility so i travelled to a mall. I went window shopping in an area that had a Chinese grocery store.

I was in my parents' car at night, sitting beside my sister. I noticed a book in the front with my parents. I asked for it, and they handed it over. It was about Gundams, and I leafed through the full coloured pages on Gundam Wing. My dad got it free - the library let him keep it. It was in a brand new condition.

We parked underground at a huge shopping mall and went up the escalator. There was a Chinese store my mom wanted to shop in, so i sat in an area that looked like a mini food court.

I asked my mom, “are we at... Square... Square...” i couldn't recall the name.

The black lady, behind me, finished my sentence. “Square One.”

“Yes! That place!”

As my family went to look around, I went to a different table to rearrange the things in my backpack. On this table, they had a pile of books. I recognized the character on the cover of one. It was Kou Tenka from Houshin Engi, but in a doujinshi style.


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