Friday, January 31, 2025

20250131 My high school friends were having a get together at an apartment owned by either Spritz or one of his sisters. Cookie and I brought our four month old baby, who was quiet and happy. I sat at a small, white dining table feeling isolated  from all the activities. Because that's what it feels like as a new, breastfeeding mother at parties.

Spritz's older sister was going through the kitchen cabinets. I asked what she was doing.
”I'm looking for pot to make my hot chocolate," she said.
I got up from my seat and pulled out a small pot. “this will work perfectly," I said.
She agreed and left the suite to get ingredients at her apartment.

Spritz's younger sister saw Baby and asked to hold her. When Cookie came by, he asked, "where's Baby?"
I pointed to them by the window. She sat on the white, tiled floor with Baby on her lap as she showed her different pots and pans from the white cupboards.


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