Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I had this dream when I was taking a nap. I woke up from my sleep to find that there was my landlord knocking at my door and calling my name. I pretended to wake up just as she opened it, as I was afraid of what to do. There were two policemen that followed her in, while she set me down a nice, big bowl of hot soup on my night stand and left. I got up and sat at my desk. There was a policeman looking at my E.P.I.C research papers. I started to talk, asking if I could put in my input since I had weapon information written in it. I was afraid that he'd arrest me for.. something about containing weapon information. He gave me permission and I told him that purpose of the duotang of papers. When I finished speaking, I realized my wrists were slit and bleeding. I started to panic and cry, but he said he'd get bandages for me. He got back and applied them on; I was afraid to move, in case I would feel the pain. The scene changed to Cookie, who was under the same authority treatment. These cops had search warrants. I had my wrists lit from carrying a large, sharp, metal sheet home this day.


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