Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I don't remember a lot about my dreams (there may have been more than two), but there were people I knew. I don't know if they were happy. In the one that I remember, I was with Hent and our group for my ARTS 303 class (Learning Activities Multimedia; we make educational games). We sat on a table, but soon had to do something with partners. I felt lonely, so I went to the baby of someone who knew me. The baby liked me from previous meetings, so the mother let me take him. He was heavy and like a doll. I shook him when I picked him up and settled him on my lap while I loaded an application on my iPod touch for the baby to use. The baby was sleepy, so I laid him on my lap and rocked him. When our group members had to regroup, I took the baby with me back to our table.


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