Friday, July 17, 2009

My dream is kind of fuzzy to remember. I woke up from sleeping and wanted to play. So I played on the carpeted floor of my mom's room. My sister woke up and asked what I was up to and I told her to be quiet since mom was still asleep. There were oblong shaped plastic blocks and a board to arrange them on. I told my sister as I dumped them out on the carpet, that I wanted to be just as smart as my friends Keele Zeibel from Tales of Eternia and Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss. I believed that complicated puzzles, such as rubix cubes, can make a person smarter.

There were family members at my house. It was Christmas time and a big box on the centre of the floor. It was like... All this was made for my family by my cousins, aunts and uncles. My mom, dad, sister and I were told to choose something out of the box for ourselves. I don't remember what everyone got, including me, but my mother chose fake lavender flowers wrapped in cellopane. As she pulled it out, she said, "thank you, Lord!" The flowers looked like knitted socks to me. I walked around and my uncle came and gave me a hug. We walked around together, and he put his arm around me as we walked. I felt uncomfortable, but this was family so I trusted that he wouldn't do anything funny, and he didn't.


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