Monday, July 20, 2009

I was part of a modern day ninja group. We had our meeting place in a green grassy field, but we also had territory at an apartment building. People lived in the apartment building, but we didn't. We climbed it. We'd scale the walls, climb the balconies... Things I fear, originally, but this time, my fear became less and less and I climbed it often. I made a friend. She was oriental and reminded me of the yellow ranger from the first season of Power Rangers. There was a guy I thought I could trust. He told me to climb a certain balcony and open the chest, so I did. Later on, our leader called a group meeting. He was furious that someone revealed the location of a certain balcony and opened the chest. He was even more furious that the secret artifact, barbecue kebobs, were stolen by a team member who actually was a member of the rival ninja group. She was my friend. When the meeting was adjourned, I ran to the leader and told him to blame me-- it was my fault that the chest was opened. The leader didn't listen. He was more focused on his plans of attack and retrieval of the secret artifact. I walked away with my tail between my legs and found my mom. She took me to another room with lots of food and guests in merriment. I was led to a table with different desserts from my country and a cake. My mom asked me if I wanted anything from there to eat. I shook my head and she took me to a table with cupcakes. She asked if I wanted cupcakes and told me they were cupcakes for Aunty Gingging's birthday. I took two: a pink and a blue one.


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