Saturday, December 14, 2024


I sat with my family at a restaurant - my dad, mum, and sister. We were celebrating my sister's achievement for something, like a graduation. At another table, Shortbread and some high school friends sat together. My sister's friends stopped by our table, chatted and left together with my sister. I looked where the high school group sat and they had left too. I texted Shortbread for an update on where they went, since she'd tell me when they'd go but didn't get a reply. I felt alone.


It was night and I had some Christmas shopping left to do and lots of time to kill. I was at a mall and the first place I stopped was an popular store selling products and treats from Asia. The cashiers announced they were closing in one minute so I hustled to the registers. Todd from Image Collections was at the register; he didn't recognize me. I bought a bag of marshmallow candy and another treat for myself.
I went looking for another store shop and saw a bakery. I remembered they made vegan ice cream from scratch so i stopped by to look at their selection.


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