Sunday, November 24, 2024

20241124 I left my hotel in a suburb of the greater toronto area and took the subway all the way to the heart of toronto (there isn't one built on this period of time). I met shortbread there and some friends, and we stopped at a Chinese store. It was late in the day and the stores were closing. I threw a bunch of things (i couldn't get where i lived) into a cart and took it to a cashier whose register was outside the store while everyone waited at the sidewalk. He took a long time ringing up my items. When he was done, i was alone with my bags and everyone couldn't wait longer. I took the subway alone back to my hotel room.

 i was a landscape labourer again with Cookie on a warm spring day. We were cutting bundles of chives, digging holes in the ground in rows, and planting them. Instead of the chives, i was planting magazine paper strips. I thought the chives were grass. 


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