Friday, February 16, 2024

20240216 After years without contact, Wafer invited me to her new apartment's party room where she was entertaining new friends. I haven't seen or spoken to her in years, purely because I didn't think she was contributing anything positive in my life. Since I've had time to cool my head, I decided to give her another chance. i atrived to a sleek, white party room, where I decided to spend most of my time behind the bar and kitchenette. When Shortbread arrived, she'd stay there with me, each of us holding a red Solo cup as a crutch or our awkardness. Every now and then, the social butterfly, Wafer would come there to get something. She was surrounded by her friends. Barely any time was spent with us.

Something horrendous happened, I can't remember what, sending us all to hide under sturdy furniture. Wafer crouched with us under the bar as we waited for the trouble to end. She mumbled something spiteful and with snark, that the reason why bad things were happening was all the fault of the friend who left her for years. I knew she meant me. I knew she hadn't changed. I got up and rushed to the door with disregard for my safety. I was upset, angry. Why would she invite me if she still held resentment. I was ready to start freshm but she was not.


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