Friday, October 1, 2021

20210928 With a cocktail in hand, I was at a party with Bobby Pin, from Heels. He was dressed in a white suit with a black, collared shirt underneath. It was late Spring, and the sun was high in the sky. We'd just met and I spent most of the party talking to him. A part of our conversation became about getting swindled by someone we both knew. Excitedly, he told me about [something relating to the same guy]I joked that we should break into his office to get back our money, and he thought it was an excellent idea.

Outside a very, long rectangular building, resembling a log cabin, we snuck about outside, dodging doorways and windows. When we'd reach a window leading into an office, he glanced about, saying he'd keep a look out while I jumped inside. Not long after, people began exciting a nearby building, making their way to this one. They were all dressed in their Sunday best. This building was a reception to something they'd just attended.


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