Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Three dreams:
1. Shortbread came with me to meet my mother. My mother threw a fit about something, but I can't remember what or why.
2. I worked for Canadian Tire, but the interior of the building looked dated and wooden. Each room was tiny, and decorated with odd objects and machinery. There weren't any windows. There was someone I was running and hiding from; they were authority.
3. I was in the locker room at work. I took a seat between RedPrince and a girl who worked in the produce preparation area. Seated beside the girl was Honeycrisp, and a boy who also worked in the produce preparation room. I placed my bowl of pre-cut melons (cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew) on the table, and I heard the girl ask, "you're having fruit?"
"Yeah, that's my fruit," Honeycrisp playfully commented (he works in their department).
I hear the girl reply, "eww," in response, and turned to see the grimace on her face.
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