Friday, March 28, 2014
I came home in my first dream to find that the door to my house was left unlock and closed improperly. I went inside, discovering our furniture was all gone. Everything was gone except my plastic bag of wedding planning. I panicked and called my parent's cellphones but they didn't answer. I ran to Shortbread's house, texting her if I could stay there until my parents were back. As I was going there, I texted Wafer and Cookie in panic. I hugged Shortbread as soon as I saw her, and hugged her dad in thanks. My mom called and picked me up before going home. My dad laughed when I told him the house was robbed - he put everything in a storage compartment to make cleaning the house easier.
My dad dropped me at high school during a rainy day and I realized I was late for my first class. I fumbled with the class schedules in my hand, running up stairs until I reached the highest floor. My class was in the middle of the hallway and I was embarrassed to join them because I had the same teacher another year ago. Class soon ended and I followed them and chose a locker before going to my next class in a hotel room-like space. We sat on beds and I sat beside someone I've met before. His hair was dirty blond and down to his chin and he was tall compared to me. I sat beside him on the bed and his group of male friends. Everyone was watching the television to our right, but I felt his eyes on me. I bounced on the bed a little, flirtatiously and adjusted the way I sat. He leaned over and whispered, "I like you", but I rejected him - I had a boyfriend.
I went to a formal party with a girl and we walked around the banquet hall. It was lively inside and I was happy, but somewhere along the way, we met the same boy in my previous dream who had a crush on me. He had a bag of stuffed toys, one of which was a plump, little, round pig. We sat down and the girl and he talked while I squished and rolled the pig in my hands. My friend started crying because someone had eaten her little dog here. We all got up to leave, and find her dog. The boy left us for a bit and she and I ran in the underground parking lot. Beside one garbage can was a worker, and we asked him if he could check if the dog was in the garbage. It wasn't. We went to the surface and met the boy again. He had his bag of toys and told us that they were slowly disappearing and he needed to restock. We crossed a grassy, untamed field to a shed in the sunshine. He started grabbing more and I understood he was working for some carnival. After he had collected enough, he left me in the shed and I took one of each toy, stuffing it into my bag just as an obese woman trotted towards the shed. I closed the zipper and walked off, meeting my friends. At my locker, I fumbled with the lock, unable to remember the code, but my friend tried and opened it. Streams of coin fell from my locker, spilling on the ground. We gathered them up while the boy was confused. Knowing his boss, the obese lady, was watching, I told him firmly, "don't you remember? We played some games." He nodded in agreement.
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