Monday, October 14, 2013

I was a hunter in Supernatural, and so were many of my friends. I was given the task of watching a little girl who was possessed by evil and weaken her. Her blond, wavy hair and cute, frilly dress lined with lace didn't fool me to the evil that possessed her. With a rope tied around her arms and torso, we went for a walk, she leading me places. Wherever she went, I looked for things to torture her with. One was by nearly drowning her in a fountain, another was dragging her through mud. I was heartless as I did this - I was guiltless. Often, Cookie would run into us when he could, but he was working on another case. The girl led me to an open restaurant under a mountain, strings of light met us from seats and tables decorated with them. The child began thrashing and clawing furiously when she saw and became nearer to a brunette woman with a bob. I pulled her away and dragged her out of the restaurant before the woman saw us. I had a feeling she was her mother. We ran into Cookie again and I followed him back to headquarters, and into the men's washroom. He warned me where we were, but I didn't care, and neither did our old high school friend, Kiru, who tapped my shoulder and asked me to watch the stall his mom was in. I gave him the girl's leash until she was done. 

Many of our high school friends and I were on the driveway of someone's house. We first did something, then took a seat on the paved ground. I moved around from people to people, finally choosing to sit beside Shortbread who began talking about Supernatural. She started comparing Dean Winchester to the qualities of my other favourite characters.


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