Wednesday, May 16, 2012
In the morning, I sat down and played a computer game with a few small toys I had laying by me. Soon it was time to go to work, so I got ready and brought them all with me in plastic ziplocks. I got to work and walked into AMC movie theatre to hide out before work. There, I did some more playing with the contents of my ziplock until I realized I needed something. I ran looking for it around te theatre which looked like a school. I gave up searching and saw I was lost in the crazy hallways. I tried searching for an exit outside, but nothing outside looked familiar. It was a school now and it was under a great amount of construction. I asked for directions and the one I was given led to an unfinished staircase- only the railing was there and it looped and bender like a rollercoaster. I held on to the railing and zoomed until the end and ran back into the gym. It was filled with people. I made my way to where I sat previously and my things were gone. Axel's sister and her friend were there and were looking for their things as well. They found it on a shelf at the front, so I searched too and found my ziplocks there. Someone tapped my shoulder and it was the cute customer who worked from AMC. His hair was curly and light, maybe blond with blue eyes. He asked me if the free popcorn ticket worked and how was it and I said it worked well and thanked him; i never used it. I gathered my things and looked at the time and realized I was late for work. I looked back to him and he was sitting behind a row of people on the floor as everyone else was. I ran straight to work and used the back door to avoid my employers before going straight to work. .
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