Saturday, April 28, 2012
I had three dreams but I remember only bits of the first and third.
In the first, I had an envelope with something important in it, a cheque maybe. I put it down temporarily to look at something on a table at the mall, but when I looked into my envelope, it was gone. I panicked, but I also saw the thief left something there too. It looked like an important paper. Somehow I ran into Britney Spears and she said she knew the thief, so we went into a girl-accessory shop like Claires, and there she was. Britney talked to her first, but I hid in case I would scare her away. When Britney finished the deal, she returned to me with the thief- a woman with long red hair and punk clothes- and told me the deal. I was to give her a bus ticket and what she forgot. She gave me my cheque and she left with her forgotten paper, but she forgot her bus ticket. I pulled out a sheet of folded tickets. They were about 1cm x 2cm each and I tore one off for when I met her again, and I did and gave her the ticket.
In my third dream, I worked at fast food and when my shift finished, I hopped on a bus back to Waterloo. The seat I chose had a cat and a lizard sitting on the same seat, but I sat beside them on the same seat anyway. When I reach there, I hopped on another bus that led to the school. I bumped into a lady who invited me to ride free with her ID pass, but I still had mine from school.
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