Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I was with a traveling group of adventurers or superheroes. There were four of us: one man and two females and I. The man and one of the ladies were siblings. We travelled by horse everywhere we went. The man's name was Roy, and he was an archer like Arsenal in DC comics (Red Arrow in Young Justice; Speedy in Teen Titans), but he looked nothing like him and acted differently. This Roy wore a green hood and acted like the flirtatious Green Arrow. The four of us travelled through a partially modern city. The large buildings crowded the streets and it was hot and desert-like with yellow sand everywhere. I carried my two-foot tall stuffed pikachu with me everywhere I went, and as we passed an industrial site, a group of foreign men eyed me, especially the leader with his hair shaved close to his head. They wore unimpressed faces but the leader had a mischievous grin as he puffed his cigarette. I hugged my pikachu tighter as our horses trotted past, and past the elementary school beside it.
Suddenly I was in an inn room the four of us shared. Our leader, with her hair tying back her large curls, came into the room and told us we had to leave now. The second woman came in a bit frantic telling us she couldn't drag Roy out of the party. I got to my feet to retrieve the man. He was downstairs partying with the drunks at the bar and dancing with random waitresses. I tried to drag him out, but he acted like a child not wanting to leave and pushed me away. I forced a wet kiss on him, then took his hand and successfully lured the confused manchild out of the excitement. We saddled our horses and began to gallop away.
I don't remembr how this next part happened, but I lost my team and my horse, and I was alone with my pikachu. I found myself inside the industrial site and trying to sneak my way out of there without being seen by any of the men earlier. They knew I was there and they were looking for me. Finally reaching the end of the fencing, I climbed over it and climbed the school wall into one of the open windows. Luckily the class was empty. I took a child's chair, put my pikachu behind me (and something between us though I can't remember) and galloped off on it's metal legs. I seemed to be going faster than when I walked or ran, so I continued with it. I was also a child again, so that my pikachu was almost twice my size and I fit in this chair well. I galloped through the school and reached the front entrance where curious children watched me leave. They knew I wasn't a student, and they aided my efforts to escape, holding the door open for me. I reached the bottom of a pile of children trying to climb a fence. Abandoning my chair, I held on to my pikachu and struggled to climb over. As I reached the top, I heard a someone scream my name. Behind me, a girl's ankle was in the grasp of one of the men in the industrial plot. More were also approaching to get me. I freed the girl's foot and we ran into a nice lady's house, who led us upstairs to look for a hiding place. I reached a dead end in one of her rooms, so I ran back out to hid in a linen closet. I heard the men push the lady aside and search her house. One man opened the door and tried to grab my pikachu and I away, but we struggled to get out of his tight grip. He separated my pikachu from me, and I couldn't return to my adult form. It was the leader who found me.
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