Saturday, February 19, 2011

I was with cousins and we had to do a game show. I remember one part where we had yo carry our partner, going upstairs, on our backs as we were lying down. I was under my male partner, so he hugged me tight as I attempted to drag him up stairs. I looked around me, finding everyone else had thir male partner underneath and the female partner on top. When our method failed, the announcer allowed my partner to be underneath as he dragged me up the long staircase. He did it with so much more ease than I did. We finally reached the top and took a rest on the carpet, where I found one of my cousins resting with her partner as well.

I was one of four girls. We were running away-- escaping from this old dungeon house looking place. It was yellowy lit with old, brown furniture made of wood. This one girl led us. We snuck from room to room trying to find a way out of the dungeon. There was a room with a large table. We observed a middle-aged lady place papers down on the table, including a key. We ran into the room when she left briefly and hit the floor behind the massive table with chairs, away from the door, when he returned. When she leg again, our leader grabbed the key and we ran for the doorway.

Another part I remember was running to a wall that someone tunneled through. It was a thick, stone wall filled with dust and a wooden, broken shelf could be seen on the other end. Two girls went before me. When I went through, I found it a tight fit, especially around my hips, but I still managed to crawl through. Halfway in, I ran into the shelf. I was not skinny enough to go over or under it, so I pushed it along until I reached the end. I heard a male, sorcerer's and a lackey's voice and hesitated. When I reached the end, I threw the shelf at them from in the tunnel and hastily crawled and ran for the rows of old, discarded furniture that was pulled up. There were many rows of tables, chairs, antique typewriters, fridges, etc. piled high. Beside each pile were long, rows of bookshelves filled with books. They resembered aisles in grocery stores. I ran through them and far away from the caster. I kept running and as I did, the rows slowly became modern. When I reached the last row, there were massive windows and sunlight came from them. It was spacious and bright, and I found myself in Walmart. Shoppers with their carts were lining up at cashiers and the sound was comforting and familiar. I looked around, seeing Masterr coming up to me. I believe, she was the one leading us, through I never noticed in the dark, windowless dungeon. Masterr was dressed in dark pants with a chain and a black tank with prints. I was confused and she told me "this is what it could've been." I still didn't understand but I was greeted my older cousins who seem to have had a child. She was a big, fat, round baby who was learning how to walk.


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