Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I was with my sister in a basement with a bar in the corner and a bookshelf at the other end. The lights were off so daylight came through the one, small window beside the bookcase. I has a santoku knife that I wanted to hide, so I put it in the top shelf, but I realized because I could barely reach the shelf, I should cover the blade with something. I found a few tissues and wrapped it, placing it back on the shelf. A group of people came into the room about my age. I sat with them and talked about school and courses. One girl I wanted to be helpful to, so I went to get a pamplet from the student office. It was a small room with books lining every side with a wall. The desk was empty, but I took a bright yellow pamplet for the girl and left. I don't remember much of what happened but then there was an earthquake and we all gathered in the corner with the empty bar while I thought about my knife still on the top shelf.
Labels: emotion: fear, general: ???, group: family, weather: sunny
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