Saturday, August 21, 2010
I was following the story or I was in the shoes of a name that I can't remember (but we'll call "The Great Arc Praxsis" because name shared similar grandness). As the dream went on, I followed it from end to beginning like a movie, and in the end, the credits said it was a Disney movie. To play the story right, it began as I entered Arc's classroom. Class had either ended or hasn't started but there were many students sitting in chairs and on desks socializing with one another. Arc was a swave character, sitting on the top of the second row of desks to the left (facing the front where there was a chalk board and in between them, a huge cauldron in a fireplace). In the dim-lit room of dark stone walls and floors and illuminant red-orange cracks and sealant, he was talking with his classmates who appeared either normal (dressed as if for the American Band Stand), or dressed in hooded rags. I over heard that the prettiest, smartest girl had a crush on Arc and made and used the second strongest love potion on him. He only laughed and said it wouldn't have an effect on him. I went over to his little brother about twelve to fourteen in age sitting in the backrow with two of his friends. They were getting their artwork ready for an artist alley in an anime convention. Arc called to him and hinted he wanted them to leave, so they did. I don't remember much of what happened, but I remember being at a department store like Zellers and my cousin, him and I were paying for the things we bought. I bought things and clothes to help me with my university residence. I don't know about everyone else. I remember at the end, everyone was crying and Arc was there with the girl who liked him and he liked back. They were both upset because his kid brother had dressed up to pretend to be him, since he had a crush on the same girl, but some of Arc's classmates came and ambushed him when he met up with her. I heard one guy say, "I think I killed him" before the scene went black and ended.
Note: I think Arc had learned defensive fighting that his little brother didn't know.
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