Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I woke up and was at another house. My sister and I slept over. I found her sitting around the breakfast table with my cousin Penguin and two younger kids. One of them was on my computer playing a spelling game with everyone else. I can't remember much after I closed the two programs it was running simultaneously. I was with Shortbread and two other girls at the front of the house. We started walking to get some ice cream and stopped outside a store. The two other girls left saying they'd be back. Shortbread and I waited and the street became a white room with white couches. We were sitting on the couches and Cookie's mom appeared and sat on the floor beside me as she looked through some books. We waited and Cookie and some of our high school friends came in. Cookie was with another girl, holding her hand to drag her places, and he didn't first greet me hello. I was upset and jealous, so I left the room. Cookie's mom knew I was upset and told Shortbread who was clueless. I don't think we broke up.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I was with my cousins and Li, my eldest cousins' exchange student. We started at my Aunt Boots' house where there was a tunnel where people could crawl in and gget to different rooms, but mostly the kids went in. I saw Li and I dragged him with me as if he were my friend, though he didn't really talk much. We went inside and when we went outside the tunnels, we were at the Waterloo university Student Life Center. We went around a bit, then I got a note that my dad was doing something to the tunnels. We hurried back and I tried to get through the enterance tunnel but it was a tighter squeeze than it was before. I yelled to my dad inside, telling him I can't get in because it was too squishy. I squeezed in enough to see my dad and tell him. I also saw Eric from high school in the tunnel towards the exit. I climbed out and saw he was displeased and angry that Li was there. I don't remember what happened after that. My cousins and I were running around the school trying to find Li. There was also a scene at a bar and I saw Paulie there, but I don't remember anything else except we were leaving.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I remember clips.

I was on the transit with Kitty, as we were going grocery shopping after school. We stopped as a grocery story like Food Basics, but she asked if we could walk a little farther to the Chinese grocery store we passed that was before the English grocery store.

I was in my house or so, with my sister and two others when the police broke in. They found me, then the other three taking things from the kitchen shelves. After a while, I heard someone say, "clear!" and they left us alone.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I had a few dreams but I don't remember much of them.

I was with my old high school friends, but I don't remember much of what happened.

I was with my family to watch this play in a velvety, highly raised stage. It was dark and everything but the stage was maroon. The preformers were like acrobats. The people in the row in front of us were preformers and I didn't notice until the actors on stage came close to us. They helped them keep their balance.

I was with an older man, travelling and escaping from people who wanted to kill us. There were two younger girls with me, both in historical clothes like I was. When we had to escape, we went into a helicopter that was smooth and looked like a car from inside. I remember most that we stopped at a gas station and the man (who was a mix of John Winchester from Supernatural and Leroy Jethro Gibbs from
NCIS) left the vehicle to sit far from the vehicle and think. The built-in phone in the car rang and I answered it. They were looking for the man with us. It was the Avatar (from the Last Airbender, but he wasn't Aang) who was our friend at one point. I tried speaking some sense into him to let us go, but he refused. John saw that I was on the phone and he came and held his hand out for me to give it to him, so I did. The conversation didn't go well for him either. We flew out of the country and somewhere in Asia. He said we'd all have to pose father and daughters as a cover if anyone asked. I hugged the younger girl through the trips. After a while, the girls and I craved some things. The youngest craved toys, the middle craved sweet foods, and I craved someone to love. "Papa" was not pleased with us. He was telling us we were going to lay low in Malaysia for a little bit, but before we left the small town in North America where we went hiking in the forest it had, he got the two other girls what they wanted. It was kind of difficult for me to tell him what I wanted. We kept flying back and forth all over the world to keep from being tracked.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I don't remember much of my dream but one part. I was in a van that my cousin David was driving. Beside him was another male cousin of mine. We were on a sort of family trip except tory we were just having fun. I was sitting in the back seat with Paulie, Ada and another Oisin who doesn't live in our country. We stopped at a dock, trying to get to a ferry for the van. We couldn't see how to get on the ferry but we were trying here. My cousin started driving into the water slowly and I was freaking out along with my cousins. He stopped a little into the water because he wasn't sure how far in to go. While driving, I said, "I don't know how to swim Kuya!" We felt the van rock and everyone in the front scrambled to the back. It felt like we were on a cliff. We all got out to see if that was where we were suppose to be. I was the last to get out do I saw a silver film camera and I took it with me. It belonged to my cousin not from the country. We looked at the front of the van to see we were about to drive down a few flights of stairs.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I don't remember what I dreamt about but I woke up because I heard a woman's frightened screaming in my mind.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I was following the story or I was in the shoes of a name that I can't remember (but we'll call "The Great Arc Praxsis" because name shared similar grandness). As the dream went on, I followed it from end to beginning like a movie, and in the end, the credits said it was a Disney movie. To play the story right, it began as I entered Arc's classroom. Class had either ended or hasn't started but there were many students sitting in chairs and on desks socializing with one another. Arc was a swave character, sitting on the top of the second row of desks to the left (facing the front where there was a chalk board and in between them, a huge cauldron in a fireplace). In the dim-lit room of dark stone walls and floors and illuminant red-orange cracks and sealant, he was talking with his classmates who appeared either normal (dressed as if for the American Band Stand), or dressed in hooded rags. I over heard that the prettiest, smartest girl had a crush on Arc and made and used the second strongest love potion on him. He only laughed and said it wouldn't have an effect on him. I went over to his little brother about twelve to fourteen in age sitting in the backrow with two of his friends. They were getting their artwork ready for an artist alley in an anime convention. Arc called to him and hinted he wanted them to leave, so they did. I don't remember much of what happened, but I remember being at a department store like Zellers and my cousin, him and I were paying for the things we bought. I bought things and clothes to help me with my university residence. I don't know about everyone else. I remember at the end, everyone was crying and Arc was there with the girl who liked him and he liked back. They were both upset because his kid brother had dressed up to pretend to be him, since he had a crush on the same girl, but some of Arc's classmates came and ambushed him when he met up with her. I heard one guy say, "I think I killed him" before the scene went black and ended.

Note: I think Arc had learned defensive fighting that his little brother didn't know.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The people who live I'm our basement had to leave for a while, so they let us use the master bedroom downstairs. My sister and I were in there for a little while; then it grew hot. I went into the hall and a dog was barking with it's head in the window and through the broken screen. I went to it and closed the window shut. The guy who is the boyfriend of the tenant downstairs told me from outside that the dog doesn't like having the window shut, but I told him I gave it no choice. The guy was inside the next minute and my mom, dad and I looked through a box of our old stuff. I found a big blue messenger bag I use to have wanting to give it to salvation army. I checked the pockets and pulled out a bottle of blue nailpolish dripping in my hand. When I cleaned up the guy, my sister and I went into the other bedroom, but before we went in, the guy told us that we were cursed because of the spirits in the basement and that's why only one room was open to visit. We stayed in the other room because we were contaminated. I figured out that if we opened the window, we would get rid of the spirits in the room and the ones that attached themselves on us.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I had two NCIS dreams. In the first, I was at Jimmy Palmer's house where I had dinner and slept over. My sister was there, as well as two of my cousins and some of the children at church.It was night and we were watching television when many large ants appeared around the house.

I was walking the deck of a cruise ship when I ran into Ziva David. We walked around in the sun talking and looking for Tony Dinozzo. It was possible that we were going to meet up with him for lunch, since Ziva and I stopped at a table on the second floor of the deck, where Tony found us. As we were walking there, I asked Ziva where was she when their coworker, Tim McGee, was doing (something for undercover or stakeout work), but I don't remember her response. When we saw Tony, I was really happy. These two were like older siblings to me. As Ziva and Tony conversed, I was wondering whether I should jump on him for a piggyback ride, but then I thought oh how weird he'd look with a grown woman on his back. I wanted a hug, but using him as a playground felt like more fun. On this day, Ziva wore a maroon long-sleeved shirt and carried a black, small backpack over her right shoulder.Tony wore black sunglasses and a baby blue, collared, short-sleeved shirt. The table was white or had a white table cloth.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I was at my cousin's, Shirly's, house the whole day. It was her birthday party. I stayed in her room mostly searching at her garden there. Her room was a garden. I found three of four flowers/herbs on a scavager paper. I was behind compared with everyone. I was expecting Axel to pick me up atnight to stay over at his house and my cousins knew. Shirly took me downstairs to the livingroom and showed me an anime game trailer I could take with me.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Iwas at a university campus that looked like a high school. I was outside with my coworkers as if we were NCIS agents. In the next moment, I saw a boy holding a can releasing gas. His plan was to kill everyone in one of the buildings. He had sealed every exit off and trapped the whole main floor with the can of gas, which the can gave me the impression that the gas emitted was poisonous or thick. He was planning on suffocating the building. The door he closed behind him was a simple bolt, as the ones seen for crates at docks. With him at the door and while I spoke something to him, I unbolted it and carefully asked him to come outside.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I was attacked by a person, but I don't remember whether they were male or female. They hurt me that I was paralyzed but I barely felt pain. The person was chased off by two young adult girls dressed in gothic Lolita (one in red and the other in blue). These two girls were my caretakers for the house and for myself. My husband came in and helped me sit up since I lay on my face. From the back, he looked like Michael Weatherly. There were glass shards everywhere I lay and my white night gown was soaked with water. The glass that broke was a giant water pitcher/gallon dispenser. I could move my arms but not my legs. I was given a blue cloth that I bunched together and wiped myself clean with (not dry).


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