Saturday, July 24, 2010

T was the end of my vacation with some of my high school friends. We were all leaving the house we stayed in. I was leaving with Soah and we both had cars we drove there with. I was asking him something, bit he asked why didn't Lex do it for me. I picked up he was angry or disappointed in me. He pointed at my car and got in it. It was a maroon car, parked on Lex's paved garage, but he wasn't home. I started driving to the end of the street, aware I had a G1, and waited for Soah so I could follow him home, but when I look back, he was gone.

I was at home after a struggle happened in the morning or past week. I had a intriquit and busy tattoo that covered one side of my head and down my arm. I was trying to get it off with something, but I was failing. My mom told me to use the seeds in a bell pepper, so I found an orange one, scooped it out with my fingers and rubbed it on the tattoo. It came out as if it were ballpoint pen and soap and water.


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