Monday, February 22, 2010

There was a war. We were in a snowy tundra with hills and large snowbanks, like the Frozen Labyrinth in Lineage II. I had a higher rank than a lowly foot soldier, but I was also a mercenary. We were against a ruler-- a woman: a queen. I had a backpack with me and wore it. The war started and our troops were still marching in a long line up, forward. I jumped over them in the grey weather, to get to the battlefield quickly. I got to the action, but I don't remember what happened to my weapon. I remembered the sword Mifune^1 (from Soul Eater) gave me before the battle. I retrieved it from my bag, but I didn't know how to use it. It was an energy blade. I didn't know how to turn it on and Mifune was busy fighting off a group of soldiers so I couldn't ask him. Someone from my unit suggested holding the button down. It had a glowing blue blade. I sliced through everything so easily.

There were a few other dreams I had, but I don't remember what happened in them; they were short scenes such as my mom buying a bag of bagels for me to eat at school.

^1 Mifune was wearing his outfit from their mission in Alaska.


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