Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I had two dreams.

I was with my cousin, Cheeta at her dorm. It was filled with rectangular, dark, wooden bread boxes. She was talking and panicking because she accidentally bought so many bread boxes and her parents disowned her.

I was with Shortbread and we were in a dorm room. We decided to visit our high school friends who also lived in dorms in the same building. We went through the hall, which looked like the hallways at my old apartment, and saw our friends. They were organizing a game of tag. When we approached them, they included us in their game. I wasn't paying attention for a while, so when I came back to reality, I asked Shortbread what was going on. She said, "you're a ___" (something like a hunter). She was one of the people I was suppose to chase. The game went on until it was just Shortbread, Snickerdoodle and I. Snickerdoodle was also a hunter and was dressed up in a white, strapless wedding dress. We caught her and everyone sat down around a table, on cushy sofas. I talked to Gingerbread, telling him I joined Maple Story again. Then I talked to AnimalCracker, since I haven't in a long time.


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